Ed Gillespie
The Top of Virginia Chamber of Commerce held their annual Hob Nob in the Valley last night in Middletown, in the Shenandoah Valley. Four hundred people attended to enjoy an evening of barbecue and politics. [read_more]All three Virginia Senate candidates were in attendance, Republican Ed…
So says veteran pollster Whit Ayres this weekend on Fox News, when he predicted that Gillespie’s “great campaign” would close the gap with Mark Warner. Gillespie’s latest ad show us why: Warner really is a blank check for President Obama…anything Obama wants, his Virginia Handmaiden…
Ed Gillespie’s first television ad of the campaign.
As we reported previously, America’s richest politician loves to travel large on the taxpayer’s dime. Now, the Gillespie campaign has released a clever new video lampooning Mark Warner’s penchant for publicly-funded plush private planes: A Gillespie campaign press release had this to say about the…
Mark Warner can run from his record, but he can’t hide it. I know…really going out on a limb with this prediction. But it is important that everyone watching the debate on Saturday understand exactly what is going on when Mark Warner tries to change…
THE DEBATE This Saturday at 11am Ed Gillespie (R) and Mark Warner (D) will square off in a debate that is being hosted by the Virginia Bar Association. This first debate will foretell the campaign strategy and messaging that both campaigns have chosen to pursue for this election, so it…