Despite his fundraising lead, Mark Warner knows he’s in trouble. This is not a good year to be a Democrat incumbent being challenged by a credible Republican candidate, particularly when you’re a candidate who has marched in virtual lockstep with the President. The President’s popularity…
Ed Gillespie
More great fundraising news for GOP candidates, this time from Ed Gillespie, whose campaign today announced a total haul so far of $4.1 million, with 3,300 new donors in the second quarter providing $1.9 million toward the total. Gillespie has preserved $3.1 million cash on…
Virginia’s senior Senator, Mark Warner, favors the federal government arbitrarily determining the minimum amount of money private employers across the country must pay their hourly employees. The number that Warner and other Congressional Democrats have settled on is $10.10 per hour. Not $10 even, not…
Robert Sarvis qualifies for ballot but not for Senate Debate.
First debate set with more to come.
A recent headline caught my eye: “Republicans come out of the 2014 Primary Season with Little to Guide them Forward.” Some pundits are searching to explain why things aren’t the way they’ve always been. This past week in Virginia, as the Times Dispatch reported, we…
Warner leads the latest polls but that will change.