The Virginia Senate Commerce and Labor Committee will take up a bill Monday to establish a healthcare exchange in Virginia as a move to preempt the possible effect of King v. Burwell. Call the members and tell them to vote NO![read_more] As alert readers know,…
Several days ago, in the case is King v. Burwell, United States Supreme Court, No. 14-114, an amicus curiae brief on behalf of Virginia Delegates Mark J. Berg, Bob Marshall, Dave LaRock and Senator Dick Black was filed in support of a challenge against the Obama Administration’s lawlessness…
The fundamentals, and the candidates, suggest that this Senate campaign is about to get close, and that Ed Gillespie is going to rapidly turn this race into a turnout contest.[read_more] For months we’ve been reading about polls showing Mark Warner with more than a 20…
The special session of the Virginia legislature being reconvened this week has always been billed as the time when legislators would finally have a fair and open debate on Medicaid expansion without being held hostage to the budget. Now, we’ve learned that a new budget…
“Have I not wept for those in trouble? Has not my soul grieved for the poor?” Job 30:25 Words and data points can hardly describe the economic catastrophe that has ground across the nation over the last six years. The shadow cast by the record…
Mark Warner can run from his record, but he can’t hide it. I know…really going out on a limb with this prediction. But it is important that everyone watching the debate on Saturday understand exactly what is going on when Mark Warner tries to change…
After yesterday’s letter eviscerating Howie Lind’s radio ads attacking Barbara Comstock on Medicaid expansion, Howie Lind punches back twice as hard.