Small business owners across the nation, who provide two thirds of all jobs in America, are now firmly in the grasp of the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA) stranglehold. The health insurance plans they had been enjoying for years, and had been promised…
News of former senior McDonnell Administration officials now lobbying in favor of Medicaid expansion has shocked Virginia conservatives. But, unfortunately, it shouldn’t come as a surprise. When I discuss Medicaid expansion in Virginia with people wondering what all the controversy is about, I explain (right…
Shak Hill’s U.S. Senate campaign this week appears to be trending upward on a message that tries to sow doubt about Ed Gillespie’s apparent openness to an individual health insurance mandate eight years ago. In a blast email to supporters today, the Hill campaign called…
We’ve all heard stories about leftist “community organizer” groups promoting their causes (and Obamacare) on the taxpayer dime. Now, Del. Bob Marshall does something about it. In response to innumerable reports of abuses by unlicensed, unvetted activists with government contracts to sign up Obamacare enrolees–and…
Governor Bob McDonnell is a fan of Medicaid expansion. Don’t believe me? All you have to do is take him at his word. The big question now is, does the Governor end the term with a bang, by expanding Medicaid via unilateral exercise of executive…
If I were an insurance executive right about now, I’d be pretty nervous. Why? Because, for all practical purposes, POTUS just announced that insurance companies are going to be the administration’s scapegoat on Obamacare. Of course, he didn’t use those words. What he said was…
Speaking at this weekend’s Values Voter Summit, Dr. Ben Carson made waves again by saying Obamacare is “the worst thing to happen in this nation since slavery.” Carson also likened Obamcare itself to slavery. “It is slavery because it aims to make all of us…