These are not predictions (those will come much later) but merely my analysis on where the races stand right now.
Pete Snyder
2015 Post General Election Virginia Analysis: We go beyond the obvious…and provide thoughtful insight…
Wow #1 – Led by John Whitbeck, Pete Snyder and Curtis Colgate RPV went on an unprecedented 3 month campaign to erase over $217,000 in debt. [read_more]Today they announced their final numbers: $245,396 from 1,044 donors. Every Republican should feel good about this kind of…
Republican Party Chairman John Whitbeck’s hard work to grow the party financially is paying off. In a letter today from Pete Snyder we learned that Jeb Bush has donated $10,000 to the party and Curtis Colgate has matched Pete Snyder’s challenge, bring it to total…
Pete Snyder, former candidate for Lt. Governor, has graciously agreed to help our new RPV Chairman John Whitbeck with party finances, serving as RPV finance chairman. It’s no secret that RPV has been struggling financially.[read_more] Pete is a very successful entrepeneur who has run several successful…
Things in the Commonwealth are not as our Governor portrays as Pete Snyder explains in his message below.[read_more] “Go through the numbers, look where we are today. Things are booming.” — Governor Terry McAulliffe (The New York Times 2/21/2015) Friends, Last year under Governor McAuliffe, Virginia…
By most accounts, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is the frontrunner for the 2016 GOP nod. In almost all of the major straw polls and in most of the scant scientific polling done to date, Sen. Paul maintains a lead over the likes of New Jersey…