In a move ostensibly designed to give both sides of the budget standoff in Richmond something they want, Sen. Emmett Hanger (R-Augusta) earlier today proposed a deal that would give House Republicans a budget free and clear of Medicaid expansion, in exchange for giving the…
Terry McAuliffe
Congressman Rigell is showing little respect this week to the hardworking grassroots in his district with his latest decision to continue his support of a fundraiser for Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms this Friday that will feature Democrat Governor McAuliffe as the “Special Guest” for…
Throughout the discussion of Medicaid expansion in Virginia, a particular theme keeps coming up: that the Governor may retain the ability to expand Medicaid coverage under Obamacare unilaterally, based on the executive branch’s existing authority to manage the state’s Medicaid plan, and leveraging language contained in the 2013 budget that set the stage for expansion via a special legislative commission (the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission, or MIRC).
One year ago today, a monster was convicted in Philadelphia. Now, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe wants to undo protections put in place in Virginia to try to stop or prevent such horrific crimes from happening here. If you don’t know the name Kermit Gosnell, you…
I am as shocked as everyone else, but apparently Eric Cantor will be campaigning against Chris Peace when he comes up for reelection. It is even more shocking since Chris Peace used to work as Eric Cantor’s legislative aide, so I am sure this will…
Del. Rob Bell (R-Charlottesville) into the Governor for even considering the possibility of acting on Medicaid expansion without the explicit endorsement of the legislature. Raising the political cost to the Governor for potentially acting on his own is the right way to combat expansion.
The Washington Post’s Laura Vozzella finally catches on to the ‘Third Way’ that Virginia’s Medicaid expansion standoff may end. It’s not like we haven’t been telling her for some time.