I retract all my previous declarations to the contrary – Senator Ted Cruz should stay in this campaign all the way through the National Republican Convention. Ted Cruz has the money, the organization, and the conservative support to fight all the way to the end; and that is precisely what he should do.
I don’t care if Rubio does find a way to buy enough endorsements from enough liberal, squishy, backstabbing establishment hacks in order to pull off a slight delegate lead by March 14th. Stopping Donald Trump is not important enough to fall in line behind a candidate like Senator Marco Rubio.
I retract all previous statements indicating that conservatives should rally around Rubio to defeat Donald Trump, if Ted Cruz loses Super Tuesday and falls behind Marco Rubio in delegates after March 8th,. I don’t care if Senator Rubio and Senator Cruz split votes, handing Donald Trump State after State after State. Marco Rubio has lied repeatedly about his record and about his opponents record throughout the campaign. Marco Rubio has reached out to the worst of the worst establishment hacks and billionaire corporatists, just to claw his way into an almost tie for second place.
How much more of his soul he has left to sell and just how many more corporatist, donor-class, elitists want to purchase a piece of that transcendental Rubio Pie, I do not know. What I do know, is that his campaign now is the battle flag for everything conservatives, constitutionalists, and libertarians have fought against for the last decade; and I’ll be damned, if for electoral expediency and fear of the fascist in chief, Donald Trump, I’ll lend one breath of my support to his cause.
I have, for months, been trying to ignore donor after donor, endorsement after endorsement, from enemies of the liberty movement falling into Rubio’s lap. Donald Trump, I’d tell myself, is simply too dangerous to worry about the Establishment’s new love affair with Rubio.
In fact, last night, while speaking to the 99th TEA Party, I argued that if Marco Rubio is now the establishment’s choice for President, then the TEA Party has already won! The establishment is backing one of our own! I believed it when I said it. I felt that it was true. I hoped that Marco Rubio was merely opportunistic, was playing the establishment, and was not selling out to them.
Then I awake this morning to the news that Henry Barbour, the nephew of notorious republican plodder Haley Barbour, had endorsed Senator Marco Rubio. I simply couldn’t take it. Henry Barbour is famous for one thing and one thing only: persuading black Democrats in urban centers to vote for Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi, through the most disgusting and nefarious race baiting campaign ever devised by a republican reprobate and directed at conservative constitutionalist candidate Chris McDaniel, who looked to defeat Cochran outright.
It worked.
But… I’ll never forget The Muck in Mississippi.
Marco bailed on CPAC, on the Conservative Convention in South Carolina, and on just about every promise he ever made to the conservatives he represents in the great State of Florida. How could I not see more clearly that he had completely sold us out? Obviously, blinded by my repulsion to Donald Trump and horror at the rise of authoritarian populism within the Republican Party, I simply did not see what I did not want to see.
Senator Marco Rubio has committed himself completely to the establishment wing of the Republican Party, to the Chamber of Commerce, and to the entirety of the corrupt Corporatist class.
I know that by stating this I am helping Donald Trump. I know that if Cruz refuses to get out of the race, he could also be seen as helping Donald Trump. However, what is the point in defeating Donald Trump if the alternative is Marco Rubio?
The hysteria of Trump supporters who claim that Ted Cruz is owned by Goldman Sachs, while Trump owes hundreds of millions of dollars to dozens of North American banks was laughable. That Donald Trump and his supporters recognized only Ted Cruz posed a threat to their national coup d’etat has caused them to focus all of their irrational fury on Senator Cruz. Meanwhile, Senator Rubio now builds the largest and most corrupt corporatist campaign army in the race. The only thing that would make Senator Cruz dropping out of the race worth it, is to see the looks on the faces of Trump Supporters when the Republican Establishment crushes their messiah at the last second. However, as satisfying as that would be to watch, it isn’t worth it.
Ted Cruz should stay in the race and he should try to win. As more and more pseudo-conservatives step out of their sheep skin and into their wolf costumes, the harder it gets for Senator Cruz to see a path to victory. Thus, it is the path we don’t see into which we must place our hopes.
We should not deprive conservatives in any State of the opportunity to vote for a true conservative. We should not ask any state to choose between Donald Trump and Marco Rubio. That is simply cruel and unusual punishment. If Ted Cruz fails to win his party’s nomination for President, he should at the very least demonstrate that at no point will he bow to the old powers and influence of the Republican Establishment, nor shrink in the face of aggressively anti-constitutional populist movements, no matter how popular they might be.
If Senator Rubio would like to drop out and turn this into a two candidate race, let him do so now. If not, then a three candidate race it will be, and should be until the end.
Originally published on PendletonPenn.com