The implications of this election could not be more obvious. On the one side, we have the New World Order Global Socialists and on the other the National Populists. For upwards of a century, the Western world’s leaders have increasingly embraced former and rejected the nation state. It was assumed that multiculturalism, welfare and the elimination of borders would lead to utopia. What was ignored was the importance of home and family.
The Democrat Party has utterly embraced global socialism. Virtually every one of its candidates, including Hillary Clinton, espouse the “we are the world” ideology. There is a large percentage of the Republican Party who also embrace this ideology, and herein lies the problem with Donald Trump. He believes in the nation state and, in particular, the uniqueness of America’s nation state. If you listen to the speeches of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, you can clearly see this ideological distinction.
Hillary sees national populists as deplorable and irredeemable. She fully embraces cultures and morals that are incompatible with and destructive of historic Western values. The Constitution is an impediment to the global socialist utopia she seeks. Thus, she would minimize the individual protections of the Bill of Rights and assert the dominance of the federal government. She would be an imperial executive for the world.
Conversely, Trump is the classic American tough guy. His idea to “Make America Great Again” is clearly and unequivocally that of a national populist. Trump embraces America and this is one of the problems. He is rejecting Republicans who embrace global socialism. Trump wants to bring the jobs and the businesses home for American families, and you can’t be both global and national at the same time.
One significant point: If the last century has taught anything, it is that the drive for global socialism and its utopian outcome is anything but utopian. The slavery, slaughter and social suicide of the socialist tyrannies and dictatorships is well documented – and there is no reason to assume that New World Order Global Socialism would yield anything but more of the same. Unfortunately, the siren song of socialism and its welfare state all too often hide the ultimate danger.