Before I go any further with this I want to say that my heartfelt prayers go out to the friends and family of the six precious lives lost in the tragedy that took place at The Covenant School in Nashville, TN and I also want to say thank you to the law enforcement who acted quickly to prevent even more fatalities from occurring. I feel the pain of the families of the victims and what they’re going through in such a time as this.
In the event of yet another mass shooting there once again pops up the debate of gun control and out comes with the flow of social media posts of support and opposition on this issue. There have been quite a few examples I’ve seen personally on Facebook that I agree with as a Christian Conservative and here are just a couple of examples.
● Cain killed Abel with a rock, The Lord didn’t get rid of all the rocks, He blamed Cain, not the rock. We have a sin problem, not a gun problem.
● A rock in bad hands killed Abel. A rock in good hands killed Goliath. It’s not about the rock.
This issue isn’t just a debate between the Conservatives and the Liberals but those also involved in the Christian Church have voiced their concerns as well with some in favor of gun control or against it and here is an example that has been floating around on social media from the marquee of Gosford Anglican Church wherever that location is.
● When will they love their kids more than their guns?
Hmm, speaking only on my behalf as a gun rights supporter and gun owner I don’t treasure my firearms over anybody and I find that statement somewhat of the church put on a guilt trip towards law abiding gun owners, I could be wrong but that’s the way I see it as.
The fact of the matter is this country and the world as a whole has a sin problem and in the event that one commits an act of malice the individual in question of the act is the one guilty of the crime, Why?
Because it was their intention to cause death or bodily harm to another in a malicious act whether it be with a gun, knife, vehicle or even their own hands. So why then is the weapon or utility in question to blame? It is because humans have a sin nature and while the remedy for that is repentance, belief and confession in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior it is also in the sinful human nature when the individual refuses to take accountability for his or her actions and they want to point the blame to anything or anyone to get away from or to make excuse for their choices and their poor judgment. At the end of the day we can outlaw all the guns, knives, vehicles and whatever one can think of to make unlawful but the truth is evil doesn’t obey laws and evil will always find a way to get their hands on whatever to carry out an act of malice so why must law abiding citizens be punished because of evil intentions from evil individuals? The Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms and that settles that as far as the Constitution is concerned.
One may also wonder what the Bible (the foundation which our Founding Fathers founded this country upon) says about defending not just one’s self but other innocent individuals. One passage that really comes to mind in Luke’s gospel that comes from Jesus (God in the flesh) Himself on the night in which He was betrayed is this. And He said to them, but now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag and whoever has no sword is to sell his cloak and buy one. : Luke 22:36 NASB
It’s no secret that Jesus’ disciples carried swords even in His company but why would they be carrying a sword in the first place, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t for decoration. I’m in no way trying to take scripture out of context but I do believe that the Lord would want us to do all we can to protect innocent individuals, especially those that are defenseless and I do indeed believe even back in Biblical times that the disciples carried swords for self defense and even the defense of others but one might counter argue with me when Jesus also quoted in Matthew’s gospel in the 26th chapter
Then Jesus said to him, put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword. : Matthew 26:52 NASB
In this act Jesus’ disciple Simon Peter severed the ear of Malchus who was a slave of the high priest to prevent the arrest of Jesus and while it seems like Peter had good intentions in defending His master, in reality, He was trying to prevent God’s will from being done! The will of God that His one and only Son Jesus Christ die on the cross for our sins, to be the atonement of the sins of the world! The remedy in which the most wicked of souls can be saved. That’s why Jesus said to Him what He said in this case.
Bottom line we are all sinners who must take accountability for our actions, that wicked hearts are to blame for malice acts not weapons or utilities, we should be willing to defend innocent defenseless lives in acts of evil and we should understand that this is not just a political issue but a moral issue.