Once again from our friends at VPAP.org:
“VPAP examines the most expensive House and Senate races dating back to 1997. In both the House and Senate, 2023 had the four most expensive elections since VPAP began tracking spending.
House of Delegates, green is 2023 and orange is previous years:

State Senate:

* Indicates incumbent
Notes: Spending through November 30th, 2023. Dollar amounts are two-year spending totals for House candidates, and four-year totals for Senate candidates. Spending for past years is adjusted for inflation.
Source: Campaign finance reports on file with the Virginia Department of Elections.
They are spending 4 to 12 million dollars on a job that pays less than 30,000. Let that sit in.
JOBS THAT PAY >30,000 are funded to the tunes of millions!!!
And you wonder why your country is so F’ed up.
So much money is raised because government has taken over our lives. The large amounts of money show how important government has become in our lives. It has taken over everything.
Politics is the art of wasting money.