On Tuesday former President Donald Trump endorsed state senator John McGuire over current Congressman, and Chairman of the Freedom Caucus, Bob Good in the June 18th primary.
Trump said on Truth Social:
“Bob Good is BAD FOR VIRGINIA, AND BAD FOR THE USA,” Trump posted. “He turned his back on our incredible movement, and was constantly attacking and fighting me until recently, when he gave a warm and ‘loving’ Endorsement — But really, it was too late.”
Good had endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis but quickly endorsed Trump when DeSantis dropped out of the race. McGuire was an early supporter of Trump, turning his truck into a rolling billboard for the former President.
Look at SB121 MexiGuire voted for in 2022.
Many Democrats & Republicans voted for this.
1) Why isn’t MexiGuire touting the legislation and his bipartisanship to work towards passing this bill?
2) Shouldn’t the Senator have his hat hung on this bill in his campaign adds? It’s his work as a Representative elected by the people.
3) Shouldn’t the Senator be talking about the reason for this bill and its success.
***4) Why didn’t the Senator require that the General Contractor hiring the “independent contractor”/illegal alien provide a Va. Employment Commission Account number?
5) a. So the “independent contractor” cannot work on State jobs, why?
b. What measures are implemented to prevent this? Procedure & Policy please.
c. If any measures to prevent (which there is not) be applied to public construction sites?
Being that MexiJohn is not boasting of his support for the legislation is a precursor to
“politicians don’t shoot straight”
John McGuire is bad for America and bad for Virginia.
America First 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I asked you to link the actual bill.
With Trump’s endorsement of
MexiJohn 🇲🇽 McGuire he has also endorsed the killing of American jobs right here in Virginia.
Trump says;
“No one is tougher on illegal immigration” but we know that to be false.
MexiJohn McGuire’s voting record on SB121 is factual evidence.
Too bad Bob Good doesn’t have the stones to call him on it.
FJB, his illegal aliens and MexiJohn for creating an avenue for their illegal commerce & contribution to labor trafficking.
Doesn’t Trump know the Virginia General Assembly is the JV Swamp?
Sounds like you folks are reading from the same script as the radio and television ads that I’ve seen. Can you point to actual votes from McGuire that support your accusations?
I would be pleased to elaborate if necessary.
Please do. Link the cite.
I stated that I would be pleased to elaborate.
You know there is no “site”. To understand what SB121 is was designed for you have to understand how Virginia was issuing State violations to unlicensed contractors (illegal aliens), Statute 54.1-1100.
I can not only provide information, legislation, policy and violations to validate.
Please tell me why or what was the purpose for MexiJohn McGuire to support SB121?
Also why did Senator Bill DeSteph (Then Tidewater Home Builders Association President) bring forth a bill to stop the interdepartmental communication policy implemented on July 1, 2015?
Do you know the difference between an employee and independent contractor?
How come we don’t hear from any Virginia Republican about payroll fraud especially after JLARC 427 and the Employee Misclassification Task Force?
MexiJohn McGuire is right about one thing;
“Politicians Don’t Shoot Straight”
With MexiJohn’s support of SB121,
John McGuire is a liability to President Trump
I know the laws in this issue, how illegal aliens are issued violations and legislation to hide these violations and know this I hold many many many of them.
Campaign issue, heck yea!
It gives fact to his credibility to be publicly against illegal immigration yet to legislate the employment in Virginia. I would expect that many of them are also receiving assistance 💰 all while devaluing Virginian’s wages. My current congressman just doesn’t have the fortitude that I do.
McGuire gave them Quarter in Virginia shows he lacks the discipline to not fund them on a National level.
Good didn’t give aid & comfort to the enemy in the invasion of Biden’s Illegal Aliens.
Thank you for sending the CITE not site. I read the entire bill, twice to try to figure out where in the bill you found such items as “illegal aliens” etc. As far as I can tell the only thing that it did was amend existing law to increase the value of projects that do not require a particular license or fee. That was reasonable given the horrendous inflation that the democrat traitors have imposed on us. So McGuire voted for it. S what? Looked like a bi-partisan bill that was negotiated in good faith. I just don’t see anything nefarious in it. Thanks for your time.
You can minimize it if you like but you can’t tell me why or what it accomplishes. If it was such a good bill why doesn’t he tout it?
Now if you had followed what had previously led to this you perhaps would think differently but I doubt it.
In 2016 when DeSteph brought a bill trying to stop McAuliffe’s interdepartmental communication policy that was designed to stop Dept of Commerce (DPOR) from conducting notifications & investigations by Department of taxation and Workers Compensation Commission all based from the initial OSHA violation being issued to the unlicensed contractor (illegal alien) who also did not have;
Workers Comp
VEC Account
Va Department of Taxation account
All of which are required by law.
Micheal I don’t have to appeal to you for your approval because this is my professional life and it is to be true folks can turn a complicit eye.
Remember when hiring illegal aliens;
Do it via the 1099 not the W2-W4 wage system because this way folks like Navy Seal MexiJohn McGuire will not stand up against it, in fact his history shows he will support legislation that allows it.
If anyone wants to minimize this I ask;
1) Why did McGuire support a bill that made employee misclassification (JLARC 427) grow not reduce?
2) How does this bill stop illegal aliens from being employed on State jobs like the attempted abduction at Va Tech in 2012?
I could ask more but that’s for another time but think for a moment;
Dam this guy can speak of Legislative Committee reports, Gubernatorial policy, legislation to prevent investigative policies for said Executive Task Force and so much more, I wonder if he …..
Yes he can come right into your neighborhood, purchase a building permit and employ all the illegal aliens I so desire and Trump, McGuire nor Miyares will lift a finger to do anything about it. History shows they run from it.
When OSHA/DOLI issues a violation to ANY contractor (unlicensed or licensed) with employees on site they should also have a
Va Tax ID #
VEC account #
AND a Workers Compensation insurance policy.
The bozo’s thought it was about the contractors license, it’s much bigger.
Many folks have crossed our border from all over the world, how can the cartel or even terrorist exploit this avenue of underground labor for their financial gains or agenda?
Just where are and how are Biden’s illegals working?
I understand the passion and vehemence that you bring to this. The bottom line for me is that you have taken this rather innocous measure and turned it into a campaign issue against Mc Guire. I simple disagree. I don’t see that it’s that significant. I’m not minimizing anything. There’s simple no there, there. Have a great day.
Just for the record, the anti Good ads started about 10 days before the anti McGuire ads.
In any event, it appeared Trump wanted to stay out of it. But, since McGuire was getting creamed in internal polls, Kevin McCarthy probably called in a marker of Trump to prop up his shill McGuire. (Another asinine move by Trump).
Good will be a free man, employing solid conservative, Christian principles, and calling it as he sees it.
McGuire, like his master McCarthy, will just be another neo-con hack promoting the global agenda.
The anti McGuire ads started statewide. They paint him as a fake a fraud a phony who voted to kill babies and permit teen age mutilation. Sounded like something Sean Hannity would write. I was actually angered when I heard it. Sounds desperate to me.