At tonight’s LCRC meeting Chairman Scott Pio reported that former President Trump assured him in an interview that the committee could continue to sell the merchandize with the AP photo showing Trump just after the assassination attempt on his life.
This came a few weeks after the committee received a Cease and Desist letter from David Warrington of Dhillon Law Group claiming that LCRC did not have permission to sell the shirts. Chairman Pio insisted that he had permission and he never stopped selling the shirts He then went to the top, Donald Trump. During their 10 minute meeting Trump told Pio he had no problem with the committee selling the merchandize and labelled it “a misunderstanding”.
“President Trump instructed his national policy director to put a stop to it,” Pio announced to a cheerful crowd. “The Trump political director told me in writing that the Trump campaign of Virginia and the Trump campaign of the nation takes no stance on the merchandise on our website.”
See more details at the link above.
When I heard about this dustup, I knew immediately that someone was pushing an agenda that was not related to the main thing in a 10th CD, at least which is electing Trump Kyle and Clancy.
As a neighbor and friend of Loudoun conservatives, I have been amazed at what one man can do. Some that I am familiar with
-A contact relational database on every voter in Loudoun With feedback mechanisms based on interactions with these voters…
– An email and text messaging system Developed by Scott and not subject to blockage by progressives.
– Data analytics that would astonish the average voter or committee chair in Virginia.
– Modern management Techniques that tie objectives to performance to rewards and adjustment of resources.
– An astonish effective election integrity program and leaders That has led to changes in ELECT policy on comparison batch risk limiting audits.
– A candidate support book / program that would blow the socks off any committee in Virginia… Or elsewhere for that matter.
Would I scrub some of the sharp edges off of Scott? Yes. But my plea to everybody is to stay focused through November 5 on winning. After the election, I hope to see grassroots conservatives help transition the RPV into a modern well-managed winning machine. It is not that now, but that’s for December 2024 and beyond.
Thank you for your excellent post and all the information you provided us!
Apparently, Ken knows more about Michigan than Virginia. Pio racks up losses in Virginia races something I noted below that was not challenged by Ken or Donna. He has raised considerable monies yet the amounts supporting the candidates has dwindled. Sucking $140k up in the middle of an election for a ball is misplaced priority and lost opportunity aka another way to lose. Bypassing the chain of command and bothering Trump with a local issue shows the conceit of Pio and yet Trump interjects not knowing the dynamics and throws his own attorneys under the bus. Grass root Trump peeps, grass roots Youngkin peeps, grass roots Cao people distance themselves from the LCRC as they recognize any association with them is fraught with peril. Loudoun and the 10th Congressional District would be better with the removal of Pio as the chair!
Didn’t last year’s Patriot ball net $72,000 for the committee? Sounds like a good investment. In the past the committee never had funds totaling $140,000 to invest in anything! Hasn’t membership also greatly increased under Pio? i remember in past years when total membership in the LCRC barely topped 100. One year it was announced at an LCRC meeting that the total membership was 115. How many hundreds now belong? I know people have some problems with Scott but greatly increasing funds and membership are two things many Republicans in the county have fussed about for at least a decade.
I got no dog in this hunt, but can’t we focus on the important things this year, like getting our candidates elected? And put off the vendetta against Pio off until after November 5th? Please?
If you net 72k but spend 40k on candidates directly does that make 40k the new net? Soaking up 100k plus for a Ball in the middle of an election cycle for an echo chamber audience is money better spent elsewhere.
Membership under Pio is anyone who signs in at meetings under Sadler it was those who had paid their membership. At the end of Sadler’s run, we had 426 people that would be considered members by Pio’s metrics. Every one of them who paid, was an associate, or volunteered was listed on the card we made for her last meeting.
And don’t presume to tell me what to do.
You say you have no dog in the hunt, but I do, I make calls knock doors etc. etc. etc. Pio has proven in races that he is no help and actually a hindrance when it comes to candidates
My dog in this hunt is win in November. It’s also this blog, and all the things you do to make winning happen I also do. Anything that doesn’t help us win in November is a side show that I have no time or patience for. Please, can we just keep the main thing the main thing for 2+ months? You are welcome to keep your vendetta going after November 5th. But please stop bothering the rest of us who are focused on winning something MUCH bigger than overthrowing Scott Pio. Thank you.
I found this GOP unit in Michigan selling stuff with photos of Trump after he was shot. Did they get a “cease and desist” order? Obviously not because their store is still up today.
Just dropped: you too can get DT digital trading cards and if you buy enough of nothing, you actually get one real one, yippee!!
C’mon folks, you/we are the hardheaded, crazy uncle that is cocksure the lady on the other end of the phone really loves him.
God forbid, I’m not telling you to vote for the letter D but at least show some pride in what has become of the letter R.
I know Scott Pio to be a full-fleged Donald Trump supporter who is committed to seeing Mr. Trump being returned to the White House. He is far from a “never do well” as quoted above.
Trump gives vote of confidence to Pio,
under his watch we lost 5 republican incumbent seats in 2023.
1 in the general assembly
1 Board of Supervisors
2 School Board Members
1 Soil and Water Director
so underinformed Trump saddles Loudoun with this never do well while throwing his own lawyers under the bus. I smell a rat where is Chris Harnish?
Yes, it’s a shame that Loudoun continues to turn more and more blue as more and more folks from the border and elsewhere move here. As we all know, the demographics have changed dramatically in Loudoun and it shows in our elections.
I also wonder why these “never Pio” folks didn’t run themselves. From what I’ve heard they had a heck of time finding someone who would run against Scott. Why did someone from the disgruntled crowd run? As we’ve seen, it’s a thankless job that apparently no one wants.