Quinnipiac’s latest poll of the presidential contest doesn’t look good for Hillary and anyone named Bush. It looks very good for Trump and potential candidate Joe Biden. Probably the biggest surprise is the slow but steady rise of Ben Carson.
If you add the percentages reflected here among all non-politicians on the Republican side (Trump, Carson, Fiorina), it gets you to 40%. That says a lot, my friends. Add in firey anti-establishment types like Cruz and Paul and it gets you to almost 50%. As pollster Frank Luntz said a few days ago, this electorate is very angry at what it views as the Republican establishment, and that’s borne out in this new poll.
[vc_row type=”” top_margin=”none”][vc_column type=”” top_margin=”none” width=”1/1″][box_header title=”Favored Candidate” type=”h4″ bottom_border=”1″ top_margin=”none”][vc_progress_bar values=”28|Trump|#f30d00,12|Carson|#f30d00,8|Bush|#f30d00,7|Cruz|#f30d00,7|Rubio|#f30d00,6|Walker|#f30d00,5|Kasich|#f30d00,5|Fiorina|#f30d00,4|Christie|#f30d00,3|Huckabee|#f30d00,2|Paul|#f30d00,1|Santorum|#f30d00,1|Perry|#f30d00,0|Gilmore|#f30d00,0|Pataki|#f30d00,0|Graham|#f30d00,0|Jindal|#f30d00,” bgcolor=”bar_grey” options=”striped,animated” custombgcolor=”rgba(247,247,247,0.41)” units=”%”][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Less relevant—but much more interesting—is the poll’s take on candidates the respondents would never consider voting for. Here, it is plain that Trump is the lightning rod, and that Bush is carrying some family baggage. By this measure, only Trump, Carson, Rubio, and Fiorina have more people supporting them than that would not think of supporting them (with Carson being the standout with a +7 differential).
Also interesting is that Fiorina is the only candidate who doesn’t register on the negative list.
[vc_row type=”” top_margin=”none”][vc_column type=”” top_margin=”none” width=”1/1″][box_header title=”Wouldn’t Touch with 10-ft Pole” type=”h4″ bottom_border=”1″ top_margin=”none”][vc_progress_bar values=”26|Trump|#f30d00,18|Bush|#f30d00,14|Christie|#f30d00,14|Paul|#f30d00,13|Graham|#f30d00,9|Huckabee|#f30d00,9|Perry|#f30d00,9|Gilmore|#f30d00,8|Santorum|#f30d00,8|Pataki|#f30d00,7|Jindal|#f30d00,7|Cruz|#f30d00,7|Kasich|#f30d00,6|Walker|#f30d00,6|Rubio|#f30d00,5|Carson|#f30d00″ bgcolor=”bar_grey” options=”striped,animated” custombgcolor=”rgba(247,247,247,0.41)” units=”%”][/vc_column][/vc_row]
When asked about the three highest profile candidates in the race (Trump, Clinton, and Bush), respondents weren’t very kind. Asked to describe each in a one word answer, the top responses were:
Trump: Arrogant
Clinton: Liar
Bush: Bush
Who knew Bush was now a four-letter word?
Another interesting take on this comprehensive poll was on the hypothetical matchups, particularly in the big swing states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Hillary is in trouble my friends.
If you’re having trouble making sense of the polls, and understanding the ever-growing power of Trump, you’re not alone. From The Hill: Pollsters Dumbfounded by Trump.
This is not a normal year.