In the latest NBC News poll Trump is up over Biden 47% to 42%.
Trump also beats Biden on the issues that concern Americans the most. Trump leads 22 percentage points on handling the economy, 35 percentage points on securing the border and controlling immigration, 21 percentage points on dealing with crime and violence, 16 percentage points on being “competent and effective” and 23 percentage points on “having the necessary mental and physical health” to be president.
The NBC poll shows Trump drawing even with Biden at 42% among voters ages 18 to 34. That’s a major problem for a Democrat President. On his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, Biden has a 29% approval rating and 60% disapproval.
Trump leads in all battleground states except Pennsylvania where he trails Biden by a mere 0.3%. From

More here, and at the above link to the NBC poll.
Biden is worse than a disaster.
Well hopefully for your friends at Bearing Drift, Virginia’s center of right, excrement blog, Trump wins. It is all they have to write about. How much they hate Trump. You will note if you go there, not one single bloody article about the border… except for that one idiot who says that they are all asylees! No.. that idiot blog and it idiot authors would not exist if not for opposition to Trump.
they don’t even seem to like Youngkin. He would be closer to their liking than the nativists that those bastards so despise…
Well here is hoping Trump wins and those douchebags at Bearing Drift can cry for four more years.