It seems whenever I look at a Trump vs anyone else poll, his numbers rise. Perhaps the pollsters should turn to, who will be Trump’s Vice President? I’m a big fan of the most popular politician in South Carolina, Senator Tim Scott.

Four years ago Biden’s lead was over Trump was almost exactly what Trump’s lead over Biden (and all the others) is today.
Remember the MAGAts who were going to organize “700,000” trucks to “go to the border”?
Turns out about 50 vehicles – none of them trucks – made it to Eagle Pass TX where th truth emerged.
A vocal member of the Truckers Convoy said she just realized the people who organized it are really bad people who don’t care about America and are just grifting con artists.
Taylor Swift is going to the Super Bowl. Which is something Dak Prescott has never done.
Todays headline from The Drudge Report: “Biden’s lead over Trump Continues to Grow”.
Where are you getting your information?
From “The Hill” yesterday:
President Biden has opened up a 6 point lead in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up with former President Trump, new polling shows, amid signs of a growing gender gap in support for the two party front-runners.
A new Quinnipiac University national poll found Biden with 50 percent support among registered voters, ahead of Trump’s 44 percent.
Here you go, all the polls you could ever ask for:
Produced by Real Clear Politics, a completely unreliable right wing blog
Are you saying ALL those polls were inaccurate? Or RCP made them all up?
You are so silly.
Does anyone really want 4 more years of Biden?
I thought he’d be bad but had no idea how bad, with every issue, foreign and domestic. His family should be ashamed of themselves for encouraging him to run again when he’s so feeble and his mind rapidly declining. I feel sorry for him but he shouldn’t be President.
Trump 2024!
Trump 2028!
Trump 4ever!