While I personally no longer give Fox News my viewership (Newsmax is pretty much my cup of tea, to be honest) I applaud Fox News’s very own Tucker Carlson for his bold stand for exposing the truth and the video footage of what happened on January 6th 2021 but with that comes calls from Democratic Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer and his fellow cronies against Fox News to censor Carlson for what exactly? For showing the one thing that makes today’s Democratic Party cringe in agony…the truth and boy oh boy it sure stings them like the pouring of lacquer thinner on an open wound. But what are they so afraid of? It’s it because it foils their plan to paint former President Donald Trump as the villain? Is it because it will weaken their influence upon the American people when it comes time for them to be up for re-election? Or could it be that once again that their hate for Trump is so strong that they will go to great lengths to assure he will never again become the President of the United States?
Personally, since that very day when it all went down, I always suspected that not just Democrats tried to stir up the pot to make Trump and his supporters look bad but the group that they have no problem defending and overlooking their domestic terroristic actions, the group that caused a majority of the chaos and that group in question is Antifa! Remember that one time Virginia Senator Tim Kaine’s son Woody participated in a riot at a Trump rally in Minnesota and was charged for his actions that day? Of course he got a slap on the wrist with probation but are you really surprised? That incident alone makes you really wonder, doesn’t it? It seems like the Democratic Party has no issue throwing innocent people who protest in peace into prison but comes to the defense of domestic terrorists who seek to destroy our nation not to mention make attempts to erase our history in which we learn upon of what and what not to do for I am sure our Founding Fathers would be greatly disturbed at the progress they achieved for the welfare of the people is slowly burning to the ground as each day passes.
Chuck Schumer and the Democrats have been exposed and it’s time for them to stop running from the truth and start answering the many questions that need answering! The fact that their misleading intentions have been revealed is even bringing them to the point that they are visibly violating the Constitution (which they accused Trump of doing) by calling for the silencing of Carlson’s first amendment rights because they don’t want America to know what really happened on January 6th, 2021 and who is to blame. The fact that they would even compare that day as equal or greater to the tragedies of 9/11/2001 or Pearl Harbor is disgusting and insulting to all of the American people. They have wasted enough of this country’s time with their shenanigans and their bogus prime time January 6th hearings which that committee included disgraced former Representative Liz Cheney to be vice chair of, was a bad use of our tax dollars just to put on an act worthy of winning an Emmy Award at best.
Thank you, Tucker Carlson, for exposing the truth, for showing that which needed to be shown, and for being fearless among the critics, the protestors, and those who are working to have you censored, as Tom Petty would say stand your ground and don’t back down. Again while I may no longer call myself a fan of Fox News network I greatly respect Tucker for his recent actions because it’s rare nowadays to see anybody even in Conservative media willing to risk their reputation for the revelation of the truth. God bless Tucker Carlson and God Bless America.