In the world of Geopolitics, weakness breeds contempt, and contempt leads to violence and war. The Biden administration, really the surrogate for the Obama administration, demonstrated massive weakness in Afghanistan. The result of this demonstration of weakness is that the world is now aflame in both Eastern Europe and the mid-east.
The most recent results of American weakness are what is now ongoing in the Israel versus Hamas declared war. (Since the NATO nations of western Europe are “occupied” with Ukraine and their mass migration invasion, the USA is now on its own in support of Israel.)
Israel suffered a massacre on Israeli soil. Hamas attacked without warning and without mercy killing and maiming thousands of Israeli civilians and their Jewish guests. The people of Gaza cheered the slaughter and facilitated the hostage taking by Hamas. Thus, the distinction between Hamas, Gaza and Palestinians isn’t selling. (Notably, no mid-east muslim controlled country wants to take in Palestinian refugees. While the Palestinian flags fly and bellicose words come from Iran and their proxy killers, the border gates into Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon remain closed to anyone coming from Gaza.)
Because Israel retaliated against the Hamas massacre, Islamic nations of the world and Islamic populations in virtually every nation in the world are actively calling for the eradication of Israel and Jews everywhere. Muslims are targeting Jews for insult, assault and murder. Those who distinguish between Israelites and Jews worldwide are having little impact on the muslim man in the street. (History has a habit of repeating itself so it is not surprising that the Jewish Star of David is now being painted on stores and homes of French and German Jews.)
The question is what is next. With an American leadership viewed with contempt around the world, there are fears that a wider war or other wars will occur. This is a realistic concern as Russia and China are allied with Iran and, therefore, against America and Israel. China, of course, sees itself replacing America in the Western pacific.
The Director of the politicized FBI has stated that terrorist attacks on American soil are likely. (The DHS admits that some 600,000 “got aways” crossed the border in 2023. Nobody knows who they are, where they have gone, or what their intentions are but we do know that crime is on the rise in most of the largest American cities and now their suburbs.)
The Presidential election will occur in just about a year. It is quite obvious that a repeat of the Obama Biden administration will simply further weaken America and embolden even greater geopolitical misadventures. Those who fear Donald Trump best remember that he kept Americans safe, secure and prosperous unlike the current bunch of Democrats in charge. (Trump projected strength, not weakness. And while Democrats and RINOs were contemptuous of his “Mean Tweets”, no international adversary took him lightly.)
1 comment
What is concerning is that Muslims are disrespecting the nations that embraced them and disrupting basic norms of civilized behavior. They support hamas barbarians and then complain when Israel avenges itself. The little kids dying in Gaza are their fault.