On Tuesday July 4th, 2023 America will celebrate her 247th birthday! Since her birth in 1776, she has come a very long way…or has she?
It’s no secret that America was established upon Judeo-Christian values and the Word of God as its very foundation. When the Declaration of Independence was written, its author Thomas Jefferson and those who signed it acknowledged our Creator the Lord our God as the Author of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. One quote that speaks volumes comes from the Father of our Country and the 1st President of the United States.
“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God and to obey His will.” – George Washington
And out of all the nations, America is no exception. As a nation from the time of her birth we have overcome so many obstacles from the American Revolutionary War, The American Civil War, World Wars 1 and 2, the Great Depression and even the tragedy of September 11th 2001 when America’s enemies ruthlessly attacked her and her people. On that day many churches were packed and our nation was united turning to God for guidance for He like all other events prior would get us through the hard and troubling times.
It was at that moment in our nation’s history that it didn’t matter if you were a Republican or a Democrat, we were in that moment in history united in true bipartisanship, we were identified as we should have been all along and that was as Americans, but what happened?
Since then our nation has become heavily divided and the words of President John F. Kennedy about asking not what our country can do for us but what we can do for our country pretty much went in one ear and out the other for many Americans. It has become a dog-eat-dog nation with hate for our neighbor, sexual immorality has become acceptable, fiscal irresponsibility crippling the hard-working Americans, racism which many of us at one point in the 21st century had thought went into extinction has made yet another appearance into the devil’s limelight and seriously must I continue to go down the never-ending list of chaos and ungodliness for one to get what I’m saying? All you have to do is look around and you will know exactly where I’m getting at.
All the things that our Founding Fathers worked hard and even gave their lives for seem to be erased as each day passes and the wicked are crusading to remove the history and America’s true identity as it doesn’t fit their narrative and interferes with their blueprint to establish a one world order. They went as far as to remove God from our schools over 60 years ago and don’t think for one second that they will surrender anytime soon as evil never gives up nor does it sleep. It’s premeditating its next attack upon God’s children and the American people. The 40th President of the United States spoke well when issued this warning!
If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under. – Ronald Reagan
From the way I see it personally, we as a nation are slowly experiencing that which President Reagan warned us about and we must be haste by turning this jet around bound one way to Hell.
One may say that all hope is gone for America and that she is beyond saving but she just like all of us is in need of a Savior and without Jesus Christ in her life she is doomed to be damned for all eternity. America needs to be born again and is in need of revival and she needs to confess her sins and in turn forsake them, believe that Jesus Christ is the Only Way to the Father, that He is God, and that He died on the cross for her sins, rising again on the third day and confess that Jesus is her Savior before all nations.
We are Americans and this message applies to us. We look at history and realize it’s because of God’s guidance, grace and mercy that we have come so far and it’s time that we turn back to God into His forgiving and loving open arms just as the Prodigal Son did. America is on the brink of death but she can have life again in He who is her very foundation.
For her 247th birthday, she is in need of salvation and only Jesus can give her such a gift. This 4th of July lets give her just that and start a revival with souls being saved. The Word of God is the blueprint for that to happen. Let’s make it happen and the angels in Heaven may they rejoice.
And My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. – 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NASB)