With help from thousands of patriotic Americans, WWII vets from across the country continue to arrive in Washington DC and continue to storm their memorial even as Obama orders Park Rangers to keep them out. I have to wonder why Park Rangers aren’t furloughed and why they are getting so much overtime pay to close parks and businesses across the country to hurt businesses and inconvenience thousands of citizens. Isn’t the government supposed to work FOR us, not AGAINST us? Please go here and send the President a message to call off the Park Service! The House has passed a bill to completely fund the National Parks, monuments, and museums! Tell the President to let the Senate pass that bill (and all the other House passed bills) and sign them into law. Stop interfering with private businesses and citizens! More on our vindictive President’s actions here.
Vets also break through barricades at Iwo Jimo Memorial, with their picture!
Much more including many pictures of the WWII vets, here, here, and here.