“Our message to every child in America is that you are perfect exactly the way God made you.”- President Donald Trump
Bradley Driskill Jr
Will you help Virginia and her citizens fight this battle of Good vs Evil or will you contribute to the problem by not doing anything at all?
This is now or never, folks! It takes a team to achieve victory, are you willing to be a part of contributing to the success or be the reason the team fails?
A special election for this seat has been set for January 7th 2025 in which Cifers will face off with Democratic nominee Jack Trammel
Starting on December 1st, read one chapter of Luke each day and as you finish the last chapter on December 24th, Christmas Eve you will then understand Who we celebrate, why we celebrate and see past the commercialism and secular activity as to what Christmas is truly about!
Congressman-elect McGuire got more votes than Congressman Good did in 2020 and 2022
We are getting very close to the election which could very well make or break this nation, meaning the continuation or the end of our Constitutional Republic