As Americans are a testament to grit, determination, and unwillingness to never give up despite what challenges we may face.
James Poplar
Let their deaths not be in vain and may we remember their sacrifice on the day we honor the flag that was paid for with their blood – earn this America!
In addition, “The Great One” Mark Levin has also endorsed Hung in addition to Bob McDonnell, LtCol “Ollie” North, and Newt Gingrich among others.
Yes, many Americans have been sacrificed upon the alter of freedom – let us never forget them and honor them if only for a moment as you enjoy your weekend.
He is a man of honor, integrity, and will work hard to represent you and restore Virginia to her place of honor.
Sometimes in the challenges that life gives us, we miss what is really important.
Strategic leaders craft a vision and inspire others to achieve beyond what they thought possible. Other “leaders” just keep the seat warm.