In the longstanding tradition of many indigenous tribes, “speaking with a forked tongue” has meant lying, or acting in a duplicitous manner, and a person doing so was no longer considered worthy of trust. And so it is with pale-face liberals in the press in covering Donald Trump and the issue of immigration.
Guest Contributor Mark Jaworowski
The time is right for our side to play the race card for a change, by appealing directly to black male voters and making the case that our policies are more beneficial to them than anything the Democrats can offer.
It is certainly no secret that the folks over at Bearing Drift (BD) are now out to crush the TEA Party and the conservative grass roots movement, and they are attempting to use the immigration issue to do so.
Fighting back against media sensationalism
When I look at the incessant infighting in the Republican Party, particularly the criticism levied against Mark Dudenhefer, I ask myself, “What would Reagan say?”[read_more] The words have of The Great Communicator have often been uttered on these pages, and they are worth repeating, “Someone…