Another Memorial Day weekend is upon us and is about to come to a close and as I sit here and reflect on the sacrifice many of our brothers and sisters in arms have made for America I think even more of what Jesus Christ said to His disciples on the night before He gave His life on the cross at Calvary, as recorded in John’s gospel.
Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down their life for his friends. – John 15:13 (NASB)
Here is something deep to think about and to take in. Jesus (God in the flesh) set the example of what He spoke in this verse alone. He did that which neither of us could do, taking our sins (becoming sin) and paying the ultimate debt for our sins. Giving His life on the cross so that we may have a friend in Him, have eternal life with Him forever and to have a relationship with Him. If that isn’t a powerful example of the love of a friend then what is?
God who is the author of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness gave us those very gifts and of course there are enemies among us who wish to take those away from us. We must not forget our veterans from the time of the American Revolutionary War to the present day who gave their lives for America by defending her from
the very enemies who seek to destroy and steal that which God has rightfully given us.
As far as I’m concerned our veterans are not just U.S. Soldiers or just our Military but brave men and women who are indeed our friends. Reflecting back upon the words of Jesus, they didn’t just give their lives for America, they also gave their lives for all men and women who are blessed to live in this great country. This nation under God who gave His life for ours.
Not just one day of the year but everyday lets remember the lives given for this great country so we could be a free nation and remember the life given so we could be free of the eternal bonds of sin.
In closing, I want to say thank you Jesus and thank you to all our fallen brothers and sisters. Happy Memorial Day.
1 comment
absolutely. My uncle is a hero in Bonnetable, France.