Republicans are angry that their own representatives elected to represent powerful special interests in a deficit-busting budget, over the middle-class Republicans that elected them. Well…
When the Democrats fought the Federal Government for the right of the States to preserve Slavery, we forever lost the ability to preserve the rights of the States with moral backing. We lost our Republic the moment Southern Democrats believed that the State ought to preserve the right of white men to own black men.
Today, as both white and black minorities seek to preserve their States’ Rights and individual liberties, we are forced to come face to face with the sins of our fathers’ grandfathers. Bereft of virtue, our southern ancestors fought to preserve a command and control economy predicated upon the enslavement of Africans. They believed more in this way of life than they did in the freedom the New World promised and so… sacrificed all.
Yet, this human corruption isn’t merely a black spot on the record of Democracy, Democrats, and Southerners – but a blot on the fabric of humanity itself. Men must not own or govern other men, or else, we will all come under the thumb of owners, rulers, and bureaucrats.
Slaves, when they married under religious ceremonies were forced to commit, not “till death do you part”, but to “Death or Distance”, as one or each of the slaves could be sold at any time. Beginning with the slave, we have all been forced to cooperate with the laws of our government and our religious establishments have been complicit.
Be it related to our sexual preferences or our preferences for self-medication or private entertainment our church and state have been intimately involved.
One of the largest and most powerful special interests in America has always been the American Prison System. Housing lawbreakers is big business for the new aristocracy.
War and Corporate Welfare have become industries unto themselves in this country. Democrats, wanting an alternative, elected Barack Obama, who expanded these programs beyond anything his voters imagined. Republicans, furious with Obama, nominated and elected Donald Trump, and the results have been no better.
The Civil War ended our ability to govern ourselves. Whether it be an Obama or a Trump – we’re subject to the rule of the few – the individuals careful enough to master the rhetoric necessary to warrant our irrational loyalty.
Thomas Jefferson said that “maintaining slavery was like holding a wolf by the ears…you didn’t like it, but you didn’t dare let it go.”
This is how most Democrats and Republicans feel about their own government and their political party affiliation.
We can’t imagine an alternative. Democrats watch fifteen seconds of Fox News and they know for certain that Republicans can’t be in charge. Republicans watch 15 seconds of CNN or MSNBC and they know that Democrats can’t be in charge.
We lose liberties every day, but never notice it – because we’re too busy noticing the larger existential threat to our existence (Democrats and Republicans). We are more afraid of one of these groups than we are of the establishment that wields the power to deprive us of everything we have.
Slavery was a magnificent sin and it cost us everything. I’m not sure that the next nearest sin isn’t our loyalty to our political parties.
The Democrats fought equal rights and equity for over one-hundred years.
The Republicans will bury the middle class in debt for two hundred.
In the 1860s, one in 7 Americans belonged to another American. In 2018, every American belongs to every other American. We haven’t learned a God-damned thing.
If, for whatever crazy reason, you are still a Republican or a Democrat, then you ought to consider this… Neither Party cares about you, nor are they represented by elected officials who agree with you. Both Parties are looking for blind loyalty and are equipped to stoke your prejudice and suspicion. They will do so and they are expert.
They want you to hate the opposition and not ever think about why or what they are doing.
I am not kidding in this.
I hope that the next time some conservative, libertarian, or constitutionalist runs for Governor of this great Commonwealth, that they run as a damn Independent – on a platform of ideas that appeal to the majority of individuals, and not the majority of people addicted to their own Republican and Democrat lapel pins. Screw the Parties. Screw our insane opposition to our neighbors and our neighbors political gods. We need something better. Something more honest. Something more inspiring. What we have been doing has not been working. I doubt there is a Republican or Democrat paying attention to our local, state, and federal governments that would honestly disagree.