Does anyone think one term wonder, former Senator Jim Webb, has a snowball’s chance of beating Hillary for the Democratic nomination for President? Jim Webb says he’s ‘getting close’ to making a decision about running. [read_more] Webb says he will run for President if he can put together a campaign,
“without having to fall into this financial campaign funding process which I think is damaging to the country.”
Unlike Governor McAuliffe, it seems Jim Webb doesn’t like Super PACs. While the former Senator cannot stop someone from setting up a PAC for him, he will not cooperate with such an endeavor,
“If it violates your ethics, I think you should not participate,” he said. “I don’t want a super PAC. … I wouldn’t cooperate with one; it violates my sense of how the government system ought to work.”
Of course it does. He has such lofty ideals. Sounds like he will soon be out of the race. Yawn.