Roll Call reports that former Virginia Senator John Warner has endorsed his successor and erstwhile rival, Sen. Mark Warner.
Cue the obligatory parade of “moderate” Republicans who will be rolled out by the Washington Post and others between now and November decrying the state of the “extremist, Tea Party Republicans.” (John Chichester, call your office).
These types of endorsements will be billed as a blow to Ed Gillespie, the former RNC Chairman and G.W. Bush counselor, even before the nomination is decided, and despite certain conspicuous policy positions from Gillespie that are, ahem, somewhat short of the conservative ideal.
But, let’s remember what type of a “Republican” John Warner is. He supported Gov. Warner’s tax hikes. He participated in the infamous abuse and ultimate rejection of Judge Robert Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court. He supported Marshall Coleman’s independent run for Senate, ensuring Oliver North’s defeat and Democrat Chuck Robb’s re-election.
Given this kind of anti-Republican history, if I were Ed Gillspie I’d be thanking John Warner for helping to shore up Gillespie’s support among conservatives.