Just when we thought the GOP Establishment could not get any lower, they – like the Democrats they so often emulate – found and reached a new low this past month. In the month of October, in the midst of a busy election season, the Augusta County GOP Establishment, led by Lynn Mitchell, Scott/Anne Seaton, and Georgia Long, started removal proceedings against duly elected Augusta County GOP Chairman, Ken Elkins.
These amateur political hacks gave 7 different reasons for Chairman Elkins to be removed. One little problem – none of the 7 reasons broke any of the Augusta County GOP Bylaws, 6th District Bylaws, or the State Party Plan, and thus should be laughed out of existence. However given the fact that the GOP Establishment is desperately trying to win back power in the 6th, they will reach new lows of depravity to ensure they can regain power.
Each of the 7 reasons given for the removal of Chairman Elkins is contrived fiction. But the most ridiculous of the 7 was reason #4, which states and I quote: “For banning candidates who were seeking the Republican nomination for various positions from speaking to the people of the Augusta County Republican Committee because you were not in personal agreement with their views”. This statement would be funny if it weren’t so disingenuous. Nick Collette, the former campaign manager for Ben Cline, was barred from speaking at ACRC meetings because he insulted the previous Secretary of the 6th District. Chairman Elkins told Mr. Collette that he was not allowed to speak at their meetings until he apologized to the Secretary. Chairman Elkins did however allow another representative to speak on behalf of Congressman Elect Ben Cline.
It is of the utmost importance for everyone to understand this fact; that while Team Stewart and Team Cline were needing people to door knock and make phone calls, write letters to the Editor, or host events for the joint campaign, Lynn Mitchell and Georgia Long of the ACRC were disrupting campaign operations, in effect driving down turnout for Ben Cline and Corey Stewart. County or City committees exist primarily to help get people out to vote for Republican candidates, not drive down turnout for Republican candidates. However driving down turnout is likely what the ACRC did when they instituted removal proceedings against a duly elected Chairman so close to an election. If they were determined to remove Chairman Elkins it seems that the least they could have done is wait until after November 6. And note for the record that the Bearing Drift, which is run by Lynn Mitchell, has not commented on this story once. Maybe because the GOP Establishment of Augusta County knows they have gone several steps too far here.
On three separate occasions, these rabble-rousers asked Chairman Elkins to resign from his post, PRIOR to the election. How is a Unit supposed to organize GOTV when it has no leader? For the record, Ken Elkins is a decent man and a dear friend who wants to serve the cause of liberty. Ken does not have a mean or deceitful bone in his body. Ken is supportive of Republican causes – something that cannot be said about the GOP Establishment in Augusta County.
Just remember, the GOP Establishment does not want to serve Republican voters or the grassroots of the Republican party. These people in Augusta County only wish to serve their big money masters and remain in power.