Commentary and book review of Esquire Jonathon Moseley’s book:
COVID: Hindsight is “2020” How Trump Saved Two Million Americans from COVID-19
“I just think COVID is God’s gift to the Left.”
~ Jane Fonda, aka “Hanoi Jane”, U.S. traitor, 10/2020
Hanoi Jane speaks from Rules for Radicals (communist textbook), that teaches “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Exploiting any crisis is a tool against freedom. A crisis when amplified leads to blind “groupthink,” Political Correctness and Cancel Culture; then to Socialism and Communism, carefully slipping into Totalitarianism, full government control over the people.
Crossing paths with Jonathon over several years, I have always appreciated his commitment to defend liberty. His new book, COVID: Hindsight is “2020” How Trump Saved Two Million Americans from COVID-19, is a gift to the Right! It spells out how the Left uses this nationwide crisis to gain control, gathering her chicks, her victims, into the comforting fold of government for all. This book is filled with ammunition of facts that disprove the false accusations against Trump. It is a citizen’s quick, yet comprehensive reference on how this crisis was exploited for political power. Americans deserve the truth about this pandemic affecting us all. Discover how President Trump, through his strong decisions and quick actions, has actually saved millions of lives—perhaps yours or mine.
Trump’s Actions Have Saved Lives
Moseley’s title sets the record straight—President Trump has saved at least 2 million lives! The author gives facts purported by liberals, in New York Times’ “White House Takes New Line After Dire Report on Death Toll”:
“In total, in an unmitigated epidemic, we would predict…2.2 million [deaths] in the US, not
accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality.”
Trump was accused of calling COVID-19 a hoax. False. He criticized the Democrats for turning it into “their new hoax.” Trump created a White House Coronavirus Task Force nine days after the first known U.S. case, two days later declaring a national public health emergency, with immediate travel restrictions on entering the U.S. from China. Trump was immediately criticized for his “extreme haste” in the China travel ban. As the virus flooded the world, it soon became convenient for the Left to complain the opposite, that the POTUS had not acted quickly enough. While China concealed the truth about this growing pandemic, our President acted independently, exercising instinct, decisiveness and wisdom. Our POTUS has said, “I don’t do things for politics. I do what’s right!” How refreshing and honest. This is what we the people hired him to do.
Who Really Has Blood On Their Hands
Moseley points how Adam Schiff, Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, was too busy impeaching Trump to watch for threats, especially overseas. He faults Republican-chaired intelligence and health committees for us being “up a creek with no paddle,” ignoring Wuhan’s growing threat. Meanwhile, Trump-haters are obsessed with preventing another Trump victory—to ultimately enable them to complete Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America”. Frightening!
This early Gallup-USA Today study shows clearly that cities and states governed by conservative principles have best kept COVID-19 from running rampant, while areas run on liberal foolishness produced opposite results. Lack of leadership has lead to suicide, divorce, foreclosures, bankruptcy, education hindered, dreams crushed and lives lost; while unrestrained outrage, chaos, destruction and anarchy tyrannizes major liberal cities. These are serious consequences of elected officials’ negligence of the real issues, while advancing their evil anti-Constitution agenda.
The Cure is Far Worse than the Disease
The Left uses national mandates to rule over people, making regulations “for the greater good,” under the guise of saving us. What do these mandates really cost? Over-regulating restrictions forcing businesses to close and halting economies is literally killing us—much more than COVID-19 itself! And a weak America weakens global economy and liberty. Why not focus on protecting the vulnerable, instead of impeding everyone? Can you feel your liberty tightening? Shopping at the mall, sending children to school, or attending church are individuals’ choices, not nanny-government’s jurisdiction.
Let this be a warning: We’ve not seen the least impact on our liberty if we allow this suffocation to continue! This not-so-new pattern of encouraging us to “report” when someone isn’t following mandates was a Nazi tactic, squelching people while turning one person against another—a scary step towards tyranny!
The Dangers of China
Moseley shows that Trump’s early warnings against U.S. dependency on China were glaringly correct. How ironic and strategic, they manufacture the medical supplies we need to fight the disease they caused! Below, Patrick Bet-David interviews Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who reveals China’s cover up—this
Wuhan Virus is not from nature, it is lab-modified! China must be held accountable, causing 44 million cases, 1.17 million deaths, and abruptly impacting every economy, for years to come. Dr. Yan fled to the United States, where she was free to present theories about the origin of SARS-CoV-2. To date, five more Chinese whistleblowers have vanished or been silenced…
Trump’s Extraordinary Work
The author asks: “Is President Trump managing this unforeseen situation the best that it can be managed? Yes.” I personally recommend that he encourage states to reopen more, balancing confidence with caution. Our law and order president delivered solutions and protected Americans, while fighting corrupt opposition, and still campaigning for another term of uphill battles. Trump is a warrior indeed, receiving four Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for making a ’uge difference in the world! He has compassion and empathy for all those suffering from this horrible pandemic, having experienced it firsthand. His own family has also suffered and sacrificed for you and me.
In this final week, let us stay in the fight by sharing the hidden truth revealed by Jonathon Moseley in his timely, pivotal book—COVID: Hindsight is “2020” How Trump Saved Two Million Americans from COVID-19—a powerful read! Crisis often brings us to our knees. Let us do our part and make good on this crisis; and may we kneel in prayer to the Almighty who granted us this Promised Land…may America Bless God!
~ Andrea Thornock (aka Lady Liberty), host of Voice of Liberty Podcast,, editor, commentator, former Executive Director of the Ronald Reagan Lecture Series
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