President Biden is relentlessly implementing an open borders policy. Record numbers of foreign citizens are entering the United States without regard to federal immigration laws, and the Administration exhibits no meaningful enforcement of those laws. Claims by Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, Vice President Kamal Harris, and other Biden Administration officials that the United States has secure borders are palpably absurd and contrary to plain common sense. President Biden’s deliberate choice to deal with unlawful immigration in a manner not consistent with existing federal immigration law is a clear violation of his constitutional duty to faithfully carry out his Presidential duties (U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 8), which includes the duty to faithfully execute all federal laws, not just those that the President agrees with or favors.
In the face of this historic failure of President Biden to faithfully execute the existing immigration laws, many Congressional Democrats are silent. Their silence is unwarranted and disturbing.
In times of crisis, it may be reasonable for elected officials to consider the situation and gather their thoughts before addressing the crisis. But prolonged silence by elected officials during periods of an ongoing crisis does not help the public, nor does it inspire confidence that the elected officials are demonstrating fidelity to their oaths of office and their public responsibilities. There has been plenty of time for Congressional Democrats to reflect, gather their thoughts, and frame their words to address the ongoing, disastrous open borders policy of the Biden Administration.
The silence by many Congressional Democrats brings to mind the character of Sgt. Schultz in the TV comedy show Hogan’s Heroes (1965 – 1971). In that show, Allied prisoners of war (POWs) engage in various schemes to play dirty tricks on Nazi Germany and outwit the prison camp Commandant and his guards to conceal their actions. Sgt. Schultz is a German prison guard who occasionally sees what the Allied POWs are up to, but turns a blind eye to their activities while saying “I see nothing. I hear nothing. I know nothing” and “I know nothing, nothing.” The prolonged silence of many Congressional Democrats about the open borders crisis resembles the deliberate avoidance and evasion of Sgt. Schultz.
Americans should ask:
Why have many Congressional Democrats been as quiet as the proverbial church mouse about the ongoing open borders crisis?
What position do Congressional Democrats take on the unprecedented collapse of any meaningful enforcement of federal immigration laws?
What do Congressional Democrats think about the consequences to Americans that the open borders policy is having now, and will continue to have, in the foreseeable future? What do they propose to do to address the short-term and long-term consequences of President Biden’s open borders policy?
Are Congressional Democrats afraid of political retribution if they criticize President Biden’s open borders policy?
Are Congressional Democrats more interested in closing ranks to protect the Democratic Party than protecting the American people?
Americans should ponder what the silence of many Congressional Democrats on the open borders crisis signifies about their failure to live up to their responsibilities as elected officials.
Americans should ask themselves: Why should they vote to reelect Congressional Democrats who fail or refuse to speak out on what they think and propose to do about the disastrous Biden open borders policy?
Congressional Democrats who are unwilling to tell the voters what their position is on President Biden’s open borders policy do not exhibit the strength of character and political candor required to be deemed worthy of the voters’ trust.