Mark Warner repeatedly told voters he’d never vote for a bill that would prevent Virginians from keeping their existing health plans. He did just the opposite of what he told voters, and now 250,000 Virginians are about to lose their health coverage as a result.
In 2013, PolitiFact labeled the “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” promise it’s “Lie of the Year.” But now, they’re saying Ed Gillespie falsely attributes this to Mark Warner. How is that possible, you ask? Because, according to PolitiFact’s Virginia branch, it was only the lie of the year when the President said it, not Mark Warner. Seriously…that’s what they said. So now I propose a new designation. The linguistic gymnastics of the year award goes to: PolitiFact, for as tortured a parsing of Mark Warner’s lying as Warner himself could ever hope to see.