When the Governor tries to make a recess appointment to the Supreme Court without consulting the Republican majorities in both houses, the Governor quickly learns who is in charge. The Democrats’ reactions? Priceless.
Terry McAuliffe
Although it makes for an interesting civics exercise, the Democrats’ talk of forcing a House of Delegates election in 2016 is likely little more than counting a whole lot of chickens before they hatch.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans allege that Governor McAuliffe both overstepped his authority and violated their First Amendment rights in ordering the plates recalled,
Guest post by RPV 10th District Chairwoman, Jo Thoburn There has been much bantering over conventions and primaries for the last several months as we prepare to choose our next presidential candidate. Some are quite zealous about their arguments, while others think it is just…
Key Clinton campaign staffers have been getting steady paychecks by keeping seats warm on the staff of McAuliffe’s PAC and the Democratic Party of Virginia.
We have another extremely strong Second Amendment supporter in Richmond and he is starting early to protect our fundamental Constitutional rights in Virginia.[read_more] Del. Mark Berg, 29th District, representing parts of Frederick and Warren counties and the city of Winchester prefiled legislation to directly combat…
Senator Dick Black asked that The Bull Elephant be the first to publish his latest op-ed and call to action, “I am calling on all law-abiding gun owners to stand up for your rights and contact your representatives today to stop the erosion of our…