In the Godfather 2 movie, Fredo, the older brother of godfather Michael Corleone, said the following: “I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says! Not dumb, I’m smart, and I want respect!” This quote reminded me of the Biden response to the report of the DOJ Special Counsel Robert Hur.
There is no question that Biden mishandled classified information over a number of decades; however, Hur did not recommend indictment because Joe was elderly and enfeebled. (To be honest, he wasn’t indicted because of the policies of a weaponized and highly politicized Department of Justice.)
Biden’s first response to this was similar to the Fredo “I can handle things” defense. Biden states that he did not handle or share classified information with anybody, yet his unvetted staff was involved with moving the classified information to various unsecured Biden specified locations. In blaming his staff, Biden has made everyone who worked for him potentially guilty of security violations. This is the “I didn’t really know” defense which Fredo used with Michael when the assassination plot against Michael failed.
Biden also said that his memory was fine and he was competent to remain and be president. In other words, the “I’m smart! Not dumb!” Defense. Biden admits that he is elderly but essentially says he isn’t enfeebled. Fredo was likely born during an oxygen deprived birth and doesn’t know that he is dumb. Michael regularly sent him on missions that weren’t relevant to the “family” crime business. Fredo invariably messed things up and Michael had to fix his mess. Michael eventually had enough and Fredo ended up swimming with the fishes after their mother dies.
Hur used the enfeebled defense as a basis for not indicting Biden. In other words, anyone over 80 years of age can claim impairment as a defense against a crime they have committed even decades earlier. Fredo was impaired from birth and was the “family’s” problem. Fredo thought himself smart when he was really a useful idiot. For nearly 50 years, Biden has been a useful idiot for the Democrat Party.
What is interesting is that Merritt Garland, Hur’s boss, let this report get out. Sounds like this is a very deliberate first shot at getting rid of Biden by his own democrat party – and conveniently blaming it on the republicans. My prediction is that Biden will be replaced over the next few months by Chuckie Schumer. 🤔
Your comments Blue Virginia, Media Matters Trolls? Your corrupt and now confirmed demented imbecile not only had highly highly classified docs taken when he did not have the cover of Presidential power over classified docs (Senators and Vice Prez do not) but also showed them to his ghost writer… and the Special Prosecutor said was guilty as Lucifer but too dopey to be indicted..
How about it Fact Checker or EC Coleman?
And watching the poor dumb bastard now is hard isn’t it? As he shuffles around.. talks about dead people etc..
So go ahead you morons… let’s hear about how we need four more years of this..