I check realclearpolitics.com daily because they have so much information, excellent articles and ALL the polls. This one is on their opening page:

The electoral map without tossup states:

Electoral map with tossups:

At this point it’s hard to see how Trump loses. The Democrats only shot if both Biden and Harris step down but it doesn’t look like that will happen. Harris approval numbers are even lower than Biden’s. He can’t get out of the race and leave the Presidency to her. That would be an even bigger disaster!
Oh Lady J, you may want to reign in that traditional Republican overconfidence that has served the Party so well over the years:
“President Joe Biden has gained a surprise narrow lead over Donald Trump in two polls, eight months before November’s presidential election, despite his approval rating sinking to an all-time low after his State of the Union (SOTU) address.
In two polls, it appears Biden might marginally beat his rival. One Reuters/Ipsos poll of 3,356 registered voters found Biden would get 39 percent of the vote while Trump would get 38 percent. It was conducted between March 7 and 13 and the margin of error is +/- 1.8 percentage points.
A Civiqs/Daily Kos poll of 1,324 registered voters gave the Democrat 45 percent of the vote to Trump’s 44 percent. This survey was conducted between March 9 and March 12 and had a margin of error of +/- 2.8 percent“
And now to ensure that I don’t post a slanted misrepresentation (I know, it’s a novel concept when the accepted norm around here is to just read/see what confirms your own bias)
“In general, polling has been quite split and the Democrat has led Trump in other national polls.
Others, however, have indicated that Trump will win. A March 3 to 5 poll of 1,450 registered voters by YouGov forecasts the former president to garner 44 percent of the vote share to Biden’s 42 percent.“
And before you start w the tired “you’re just a rino” sophomoric rant, nooooo, I don’t particularly want Biden to win. But virtually declaring victory based on a poll in March? C’mon, you’re better than that. Besides, even if he DT loses, you have already the “we wuz robbed” whine in que.
All of these polls assume one thing – an honest and legitimate election. By the way, Virginia is very much in play without the steal.
Today Bongino suggested if enough Rinos exit the House, a democrat House could end up picking the president. How can that happen? Kennedy is the wild card. Trump may not get to 270 if Kennedy can pick up a few states. I hope I am correctly explaining this nefarious outcome.
I saw those polls in two places a couple weeks ago. Whoever is really in charge of Biden must have a plan? Does the media know the deal but is only interested in disinformation that keeps Biden propped up with a stick while in public?
Maybe Biden pulls a Trump, except unlike Pence, Harris refuses to certify the electoral vote? Possibly Harris would refuse to certify the electorate in congress if Trump were convicted of a crime? Or, she could claim Trump cannot take office because he is an insurrectionist? 😂 If Trump cannot find somebody, or someone, or some way, to put up the $460 million NY bond, that would seem to indicate that he is not even close to being a billionaire, or ahead in the polls? In other words, if he conducted a fire sale now on his prime real estate to cover the NY bond, he would still come up short because of the money he already owes on those properties? They must be heavily leveraged? Also, no doubt Dems in New York would use the courts to seize the loot from any Trump fire sale. No doubt a few weeks ago he asked Elon Musk for the loot. Pocket change for Elon, at least it was until he pissed away over $40 billion on the Tweet. Still is. Musk musta wanted way too much in the “favor” department? You left out all reference to the US House which must mean the Democrats are going to take the House back?
If SCOTUS rules presidents have absolute immunity, why can’t Biden can stay in office forever because he has absolute immunity from the law while president? 😂😂😂😂😂 If Trump were really ahead to any extent in the polls, or immune from prosecution, why are the Saudi’s or some billionaire not bailing him out in exchange of course for eventual “favors” from the oval office.
Also, looks like the MAGA crowd is making Trump walk the plank financially.
Impeachment and removal is the equivalent of a criminal conviction for a president. Biden can’t stay forever.