“And yet his words – not being his – are important. While he personally is unfit for office, those behind him who wrote the words are the true danger afoot in the land.”
It’s hard to know precisely what Mr. Biden was ranting about last night in Philadelphia or the results he intended to produce. There he was, framed in the doorway of our history, with two United States Marines in full dress uniform standing guard behind him. The nation’s flag was center-hung.
He shamed the nation, its heritage, its war dead, and the document produced not fifty yards away behind the doors he used as a campaign prop.
Whatever else he did, he clearly smeared and convicted half of the American population and those who disagreed with his radical political positions not simply as opponents – but as the “enemy,” and all that implies.
Hatred oozed from his words. He stood as a sad shell of a man who should be in pajamas sipping hot chocolate but instead was parroting the most rancid, vile words ever delivered by a man who holds the Office of the President. In truth, he’s such an intellectually, spiritually, and ethically vacant man that he is unworthy of much ink.
And yet his words – not being his – are important. While he personally is unfit for office, those behind him who wrote the words are the true danger afoot in the land.
They are men and women of the radical left, many retreads from the Obama years, suffused in the language of violence and the processes of revolution. Merely replay the events of the summer of 2020 and the untold destruction, death, and loss of businesses that was unleashed by the radical left, including a three-day siege of the White House. The irony’s weight is almost too much to hold.
To breach the public peace and unity with his words was breathtaking. The summer followed by the election of 2020 is merely a preface for the radical’s violence to come, unfortunately. The words spoken by a dementia-ravaged old man, whose best days never were, are to sense the unease and fear of the left – ordinary people are on to them.
Mr. Biden’s White House is incompetent to handle the economy, inflation, and spending, as average citizens come to terms with doing much more with less. Sweetheart deals and public funding are pouring into so-called green projects. At the same time, America’s own energy resources are being cut dramatically. They have abandoned even the military, not to mention American citizens, to terrorists. Our children are used for medical experiments with unalterable consequences – done with the moral certainty that small children can be something they are not based on whims of the moment. Our public government-run schools are failing upward at such a rate that they may not be salvageable. Average families are maligned and targeted by their government for wanting their children taught actual subjects in those failing schools. Crime waves have been set off by failing to allow law enforcement to carry out their duties. Murder is skyrocketing while marauding vagrants and carjackers are often not even punished if caught. The mask covering the face of tyranny in our justice and national police has been taken off. Behind it, average citizens can now see there is nothing protecting them from the vagaries of this new type of justice. The list of failures of this Administration goes on.
The radical left has always followed the rules Saul Alinsky laid out; project onto your political enemies that which you are actually doing. It’s time tested. Now facing an election that looks grim, the brains of this Administration have decided that stirring hatred and violence may be their only hope of engaging their troops to action, avoiding total disaster in November. So, the Republican Party becomes the face of racism, fascism, anti-democratic, and pro-Russian. This list, too, is very long.
It takes no courage or skill to do what Mr. Biden and his minions did last night. History is littered with the drifters of chance who strong-arm their way to power and then cling to it by sacrificing whatever and whoever is available. But, Mr. Biden was unintentionally correct in one thing. The Republic of self-governing and free citizens is in jeopardy at this time and place. It is a moment of danger that carries a Biblical portent as well.
Americans must once more save their own posterity from those who would have them bend their knees in submission to the false idols of radical leftism.