(With apologies to the late Jimmy Buffett) “Internal inefficiency, political corruption, and external graft have grown from mere incidents to settled practices.“
A new President is in town, elected in a shock election that the corrupt corporate media assured everyone he couldn’t win.
But the President’s election wasn’t simply a win – it was a blowout victory with coattails that flipped the US Senate.
Unsurprisingly, the radical left was utterly enraged, unhinged, and seething about the man elected to the nation’s highest office. They railed that the new administration had a secret blueprint from the conservative think tank to cut, reform, and remake the federal government. He was only concerned with the “rich.” Citizens would starve and die in the streets, the radicals screamed. Democracy itself was at stake.
The new President was preemptively labeled a “fascist.” The Marxist rabble promised to “take to the streets” and to confront the new government at every turn and in every court in America.
We’re not talking about President Trump, of course. We’re revisiting Ronald Reagan’s welcome to Washington, D.C., in 1981. Yet, the Gipper was unfazed and went on his cheerful way, reminding his audiences that he had fought the Marxist/communist brigades toe-to-toe in Hollywood and won as they tried to take over the Screen Actor’s Guild.
I came to Washington as a Reagan Revolutionary in 1981 to work in the new administration – and I can report firsthand that today’s venom, bald-faced lies, deceits, contortions, and viciousness have a precedent. Ronald Reagan was the first post-war President who came to town to break the furniture and, in his own words, “make America great again.” And Washington’s ruling class hated him for it.
The second “disrupter” President, Donald J. Trump, has withstood a level of attack and hatred many times that of President Reagan. It’s in uncharted territory.
The difference today is that that volume is turned up full blast, and the entire weight of the federal government apparatus was organized to bankrupt the former President and jail him for something, anything.
In addition, of course, they attempted to murder him twice.
President Trump’s appointment of Elon Musk to run the executive office of DOGE, the Department of Government Efficiency (an oxymoron if ever there was one!), brings all this to mind. When the entire radical left Democratic party and the corrupt national media are in full-blown hysteria and panic, you know something good is happening. (DOGE has legal authority based on an existing White House entity, the US Digital Service, being repurposed and renamed by Executive Order.)
In 1982, President Reagan created the President’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, popularly called the Grace Commission, chaired by the celebrated American industrialist, the late J. Peter Grace. With a team of 161 corporate executives and several thousand volunteers, the Grace Commission was tasked with reviewing the entire government from top to bottom to find waste and mismanagement and make recommendations on how to pare down the fat.
You couldn’t throw a rock in Washington in 1982—like 2025—and not come up with example after example of simply stupefying waste, barefaced fraud, and political cronyism in the massive pool of thousands upon thousands of billions of dollars gushing up into the air like a Yellowstone geyser. And, sadly, like the geysers, it is a recurrent event that you can set your watch on.
When the Grace Commission turned over its report to President Reagan in 1984, it made 2,500 recommendations to save $424 billion over three years (in a cumulative budget total of $2.1 trillion). It called for modernizing federal financial practices, streamlining federal operations and enhancing workforce productivity, remaking the civil service retirement system, reducing program fraud, and making a range of changes to defense procurement, among other things.
The report asserted that one-third of all income taxes are lost to waste and inefficiency, and an equal one-third was never collected at all in the underground economy. Out of the rest collected, the receipts covered only defense and entitlement spending. (You can see President Reagan’s White House discussion of the report (here).
It’s fair to say that the Grace Commission’s greatest contribution was alerting taxpayers to just how out-of-control federal spending was and how disinterested Congress was in doing anything about it. The $100 billion actually saved were action items President Reagan accomplished by Executive Order.
Lessons learned: Donald J. Trump’s return to the White House in 2025 has been like watching Danny Devito try to flip a sumo wrestler. The methodically laid-out return has left official Washington reeling and terrified, but with good reason – he understands the game this time.
Elon Musk and the DOGE troops have taken the Grace Commission concept to a whole new level and are busy breaching the Washington bureaucracy’s gates and scouring the books with algorithms that can connect the fiscal dots. Unlike the spaghetti-spine politicians in Congress who are in on—and profiting from—the Washington game of hide-and-seek, DOGE is examining exactly where the spending of six trillion dollars—six thousand billion dollars—is going.
It’s hardly a secret that unaccountable money and broad discretion in how money is allocated and released is an open invitation to malfeasance from both the inside and outside, and it has been a scandal Washington has ignored for many decades. In 2019, Forbes reported (here) that DOD and HUD (Housing and Urban Development) couldn’t account for $21 billion in spending. It was reported last year that DOD had failed its 7th straight audit and could not account for nearly $900 million in spending (here). None of the vast treasures and weapons sent to Ukraine have been audited, while European resorts are thick with lavishly spending Urkarains, and many reports suggest half the weapons received have been sold off.
In the COVID disaster, not only did Big Pharma rack up tens of billions in profit for a therapy of dubious effectiveness, but $200 billion may have been lost or stolen in government assistance to both individuals and businesses—and the real total will probably never be known.
While President Trump’s rock ’em sock ’em rollout of Executive Orders and Mr. Musk’s full-frontal attack on an uncooperative bureaucracy has official Washington in complete meltdown, the truth is that only tough love will work now. Internal inefficiency, political corruption, and external graft have grown from mere incidents to settled practices. Intricate networks of the administrative state systems to obfuscate and manage the government, often in direct defiance of the Office of the President of the United States, are being overrun by a laser-fast army of investigating programmers.
USAID (which stands for US Agency for International, not the AID most taxpayers think of) was easy first fruit. The long-term corruption and pass-through accounts of USAID (with funding in excess of $40 billion and 10,000 employees) that fund political mischief by the CIA, DoD, and State are well-documented – despite the corporate media hysteria – and have been an open secret in Washington for years. Some NGOs and agencies, like the National Endowment for Democracy, also have vast funding and cutouts to allow the intelligence community to do whatever they like outside public scrutiny or accountability.
Mike Benz, State Department and DoD veteran who has become the go-to expert on deep state internal workings and shenanigans (here), said in an interview with Tucker Carlson, “The founders of the National Endowment for Democracy, Carl Gershman and Alan Weisberg, literally have direct quotes saying that they were set up to do what the CIA used to do, but got in trouble for doing, and they didn’t want CIA fingerprints on it anymore. So, they wanted to create a nominally private NGO to do it. That way, when people got busted trying to overthrow governments, it would look like it was coming from an NGO instead of from the CIA.”
None of the “waste, fraud, and abuse” in the federal government is new, and it’s hard to miss if you’ve worked in senior positions in the government. Your humble scribe learned quickly in 1981 that a heck of a lot of official Washington turns a blind eye to reality. Complying with a budget initiative, an actuary in a smaller agency compiled a study demonstrating that tens of millions of dollars were “missing” and “unaccountable.” When I met him, he’d been consigned to a basement office with maintenance. No one would accept his study nor return his calls. The very people who actually called for the study? They checked off an action item on the list and never acknowledged the report. It died on some dusty shelf.
Mr. Musk, armed with his algorithms and young computer geeks – and X for public distribution – may do more in weeks than our government and Congress have done in generations.
I doubt that DOGE can be sustained in its efforts to curb the grifting that goes on in the Swamp… too many GOP turds are on the same payroll…along with the entirety of the Democrap party. Entirety. They have phony “socialists” like Bernie and AOC who want to be rich too. No one got rich by not doing what corporations and Wall Street wants. And of course Big Pharma… of whom Bernie and that woman of the Indian Nation’s Warren get millions in campaign contributions to keep their useless asses in DC.
But isn’t it grand exposing this.
And all you DC dwellers who think that people are going to be up in arms that USAID is getting cut… people in the real world have been cut for decades as the shitbags in DC hollowed out American Industry for their multinational corporate owners…
I am sure the people of places like Youngstown Ohio or any of the rest of the Rustbelt could give 2 craps about you guys who have sucked off the federal tit forever…
Houses don’t average 800k in those places…
So residents of McLean…
Learn to code!
Thanks for taking the time to research and write these posts that share insights into our government. Glad to walk the life with you!
Your grateful BIC – PC
The new head of the White House Faith Office is Paula White-Cain.
Let’s check up on Cain.
She left her first husband, dumped the second one after cheating on him.
She then married a member of the rock band Journey, broke into the band’s bank account and embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars and ran a Ponzi scheme.
She then became a “prosperity theology” television evangelist, and is now the head of Trump’s “Faith Office.”
At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
11 “No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Forgiveness is always available to a sinner who repents. Try it sometime.
What a breath of fresh air! Thank you for your thoughtful, insightful and incredibly well written article. Through my family I grew up eyes wide open about how the government really runs and what they really do. It was nice to see it in print! I am hopeful that Trump and Musk can accomplish their task of bringing the beast to its knees. If not then this will likely be the last cycle before we flat line. I am optimistic, but the proportions they are fighting against, as you said “six thousand billion” is a formidable adversary. We the People have to stand with them and make sure all of Congress knows we are watching and paying attention.
Thank you for your service to this cause, both in your previous service to President Reagan and in your continued voice with articles like this. And I must add, it must have been an honor to serve President Reagan.
Let’s put the $38trillion debt in proper perspective. It is all fraud, waste and abuse mainly by democrats