Voter Fraud is Real
I remember literally hours after the New York Times had featured an op-ed front and center on their homepage declaring “The Myth of Voter Fraud” this happened. Right here in Harrisonburg, VA. This is not an isolated incident. It has been widely documented and publicized in mainstream newspapers that overzealous activists register dead people to vote. In the 2014 election voters took to Facebook to document votes being ‘switched’ to the Democrat candidate. I can’t believe I’m actually wasting the keystrokes to write this as a picture says a thousand words, but it appears the self-identified “liberal” paper known as the New York Times does NOT know when to quit. Remember, this dogged tactic has little to do with actual concern with the issue and everything to do with making republican voters appear ignorant.
America is not a Racist Country
Black lives matter. Yes, they do and I don’t need a qualifier to say that. Know what else matters? Facts matter. Study after study has borne out the fact that America is one of the most tolerant and inclusive countries in the world. The original sin of slavery was purposefully manufactured upon the colonies by the European powers as a disruptive force upon which they didn’t want the consequences nor the societal backlash from its witness on their own shores. The spirit of this country is fiercely independent and free, as indentured servitude and status by ethnicity have been conquered by reason and constitutional law. Are there racists in America? Yes, there are. Do we need an expansive federal bureaucracy to ship citizens off to tolerance camp?
Guns Prevent Crime
Governor McAuliffe just vetoed a bill here in Virginia that would allow victims of domestic abuse to self-defense. Gun grabbers love to project blame onto inanimate objects. I attribute this to the fact that most liberals that rail against 2nd amendment rights have never actually used one, and as humans, we fear what we don’t understand and assign irrationalities upon it. From a personal standpoint, I have two very good friends I’ve known since high-school, democrat voters. They own firearms, are responsible gun owners, and are confused as to why their representatives want to put them in harm’s way. A party that cares about the rights of women should extend the ultimate courtesy of allowing them the right to defend themselves, but I suppose that’s one less thing they’d be reliant upon government for.. hmm..
Free Market Economics Reduces Poverty
Free market capitalism has brought more people out of poverty worldwide than all government welfare programs combined. Somehow, this fanfaronade for socialist redistribution continues. The Economic Recovery Act of 1981 prescribed 25% reductions in income tax for all income levels; to say it was a tax cut for the rich ignores the enormous savings the middle class was able to turn around and spend on consumer goods. Tax cuts not only benefit the investor class or the ‘job creators’, but the working class and the ‘job doers’ – with the later segment of that equation having a greater play in GDP and consumer spending and Reagan’s advisors knew this. The number one group to benefit from the 80’s economic expansion was African Americans – as between 1982 and 1988 black unemployment was cut by half. The realities of supply side were tax cuts across the board for everybody. Yet do web searches for “African Americans under Ronald Reagan” – see what you get from the mainstream media.
The Gender Pay Gap is Small
I really wish I could go into the office and demand I make as much as Dave. You see, Dave is single. Unlike me, Dave pulls in copious amounts of overtime. Due to his extra time on the job he has accumulated more experience and promotions than me! Dave is not a real person, but neither is the claim that women earn 20% less for equal work than men. Research has shown that the true gap is closer to 96%; which still isn’t cool, but not quite as sensational as telling young impressionable voters that women are being hustled in the workplace. The truth is men work more hours under more hazardous conditions in higher leverage situations. Do women perform well in high leverage situations? Of course they do. Women also perform an invaluable service to society as mothers, yet still, this is a lifestyle choice. As is my choice to work less than Dave so I can spend more time with my kids.