Dear Vice Chair Way,
In response to your letter, I write to thank you, and while
representing only myself, wish to communicate the following, that we
now consider in the hopes of serving the citizens of our embattled state, under the tyranny of a legislature gone wild, and a Governor gone wilder,
Propose to elect the candidates by our party members, in
a series of un-assembled conventions, allowing for ranked choice
voting, organized at the district level for efficiency, each to decide
the number and location, not to exceed 5 each, but in no instance less
than 1, and to accommodate our members in the hopes they could locate
their polling places as close and convenient for their members to
reasonably attend.
While troubling, and a basic right of Democracy, we should/ would
consider removing any additional Party Plan Amendments during this event.
Our friends only need to vote to allow the amendments, to facilitate the
unassembled process, and the ranked choice
option, which now seems to be a mutual wish, as it has been
proposed in your recent letter.
As time is of the essence, I feel that we should quickly lay aside
any petty recriminations, and join in this joint proposal before the
meeting to finalize the single convention site, scheduled for this
week, takes place.
Should we not be able to work, to facilitate the best interests of
vast members of our party, the results of this action will be a single
site event, and having our members on the eastern shore, possibly
having to travel to Lynchburg To participate. No one wants this.
Additionally, should this be allowed to happen there would be no
prohibition, on Party Plan Amendments, which possibly would be in order for our members to consider that their governing body has grown beyond the ability, to make rational decisions, and maybe should be reformed.
I ask for your thoughtful consideration, and an answer by 12 noon
on Tuesday, before the negotiations are finalized permanently, as
meetings are scheduled just thereafter.
With warmest regards,
Speaking on my own behalf
Mark Daniel
New Kent County