A couple of decades ago, a very good friend of mine experienced the impact of a high school mass murder. His nephew, then about 15 years old, shot his parents, booby trapped his house, and then went to school where he shot a number of kids. The question was what would have caused this otherwise normal child to commit such a horrific crime.
After much discussion, my friend’s conclusion was that this incident was likely caused by the psychotropic drugs his nephew was on to help with his ADHD. At the time, it was beginning to be recognized that these drugs, while generally effective, had a negative downside. A small percentage of children, and even adults ,experienced suicidal and homicidal tendencies.
Today, there is another issue in these mass murders. Specifically, the hormonal change associated with gender dysphoria or transgender treatment. Apparently, these sex change drugs can increase the potential for rage and anger, and the rage and anger can result in mass murder.
This raises the question of what other drugs might destabilize already unstable persons. If psychotropic and sex change drugs can lead to mass murder, what about the constantly changing mRNA vaccines that are being implicated in individual injury and death. Is it possible that suicide and homicide is also a result in a small percentage of vaccinated individuals?
To be honest, I know of no studies linking mRNA vaccines to murder and suicide What I am suggesting is that the amount and change of medical interventions while otherwise beneficial are not perfect. We know that the mRNA vaccines have a downside but we do not know of all the possible negative effects (We are beginning to understand the physical impacts of the mRNA vaccines but not the psychological impacts.)
Speaking from experience;
The COVID vaccine didn’t work and Type A flu was much much worse than COVID.
I beg every parent to change your schedule and teaching environment before ever taking them to a Dr for ADHD you’d be surprised what a little love and proper educational techniques will do for a child yearning to learn.
So it takes around $18,000 a year per child for a public school education. We have a couple of years left in public school with our other children but I would gladly give up any Youngkin income tax reduction to implement a voucher system for the choice in a better opportunity in education for future children in Virginia!
The over medication of children is really more than a scandal, it is an evil horror. We now have kids dying of the mRNA vaxxes as well as being turned violent and insane with the ADHD and hormonal drugs. The best approach to use today is to not vaxx for anything until the science is proven one way or another. I am not a big fan of RFK, JR, but when it comes to the over medication of children he is spot on.
typical leftist. shoot the messenger because the message is difficult to refute.