A message from Loudoun County Republican Committee ( LCRC) below but first let me play the role of Captain Obvious and Friend of Zurn (FOZ) that’s rights I’m a FOZ and damn proud to be one.
First the obvious.
The usual cast of characters living on a one way street in the City of Hypocrisy calling for Roger Zurn to resign or step down for a FB joke removed and apologized for are the same folks who obey and support a Governor who either wore a Klan Hood or donned Blackface in college. The hypocrisy is thick.
Let me be super clear these people are radical left wing opportunists who should be ignored and challenged as they create false narratives about good people. I’m not speaking about those legitimate voices of concern for which Roger has adequately addressed, but those engaged in political dishonesty.
I’ve been a FOZ for many years and consider Roger Zurn one of the most decent men I’ve ever met, a great friend, and a wonderful human being. Our county should count its blessings that we’ve had Roger managing and guiding our county assets as our Treasurer. His leadership and steady oversight have served our county well for decades and to suggest he leave his post at this critical juncture is the stuff of politically motivated hacks who care far more about scoring cheap points than good governance.
When provided the opportunity I’ll counsel Roger to stay the course, focus like a laser on those real issues of concern to Loudoun County and dismiss these attacks for what they are, political nitwittery. Those who know the character of Roger Zurn aren’t sweating the lies and cheap shots.
So join me and be a FOZ. ?
Message from Loudoun County Republican Committee:
“Loudoun County Treasurer Roger Zurn cares for every resident of the county he serves. I know he is not a racist. Roger has an unassailable record of serving people of all races in an equitable manner.
It is unfortunate that those on the left simply choose to attack Republicans as a matter of course. They have no regard for Roger as a person who has shown no ill will towards anyone, of any political stripe, in the work he does as Treasurer.
Nevermind the hypocrisy coming from Democrats: they still stand alongside a Governor who was comfortable with pictures of people (including himself) in blackface and a klan hood on his medical school yearbook page. The fact is that county Democrats are not actually “outraged.” They just want to score points in a fraught political climate. They want more division, not unity.
I support Roger Zurn and thank him for his decades of service to Loudoun County.
LCRC Chairman, Sharon Sadler”