To: The Esteemed Bureaucratic Time-Wasters of the United Nations
From: The American People (You know, the ones paying for your fancy Geneva coffee breaks)
Date: February 23, 2025
Dear United Nations,
Greetings from the land of the free, where we’ve been watching your dazzling performance on the global stage with all the awe and wonder one might reserve for a toddler trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. We thought we’d drop you a line to congratulate you on your tireless efforts to do absolutely nothing meaningful about the world’s problems—like, say, the Russia-Ukraine slugfest or the eternal Israel-Palestinian cage match. Truly, your ability to turn pressing crises into endless PowerPoint presentations is a gift to humanity. Or maybe just to the paper industry.
Let’s start with Ukraine and Russia. Remember when Russia rolled into Ukraine like it was auditioning for the sequel to Red Dawn, and you guys bravely responded with… what was it again? Oh, right—a “strongly worded resolution” and some furrowed brows at a press conference. That’ll show ‘em! We’re sure Putin’s quaking in his boots, wondering if his next annexation might earn him a second sternly phrased letter. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s getting shelled into next Tuesday, and your biggest accomplishment seems to be keeping the UN cafeteria stocked with borscht for “solidarity.” Bravo. Really sticking it to the Kremlin there.
And then there’s Israel and the Palestinians—congratulations on turning a decades-long conflict into a perpetual motion machine of futility. You’ve got more resolutions on this than there are stars in the sky, yet somehow the only thing you’ve resolved is that everyone hates each other more than they did yesterday. We’re in awe of your ability to host peace talks where the only thing agreed upon is the catering menu. Maybe if you spent less time debating whether “occupation” needs a hyphen and more time actually doing something, we wouldn’t be watching the same rerun of rockets and recriminations every six months. But nah, that’d require competence, and we wouldn’t want to ruin your streak.
Honestly, we’re starting to think the UN’s real mission is to prove that if you throw enough diplomats in a room with a limitless expense account, they’ll eventually produce a 500-page report on why “more dialogue” is the answer to everything. Floods? Dialogue. War? Dialogue. Alien invasion? Probably a task force to discuss it over croissants. You’re like the world’s most expensive group therapy session, except nobody’s getting better—they’re just angrier and better armed.
Look, we get it. Solving messy conflicts is hard. But you’ve turned “hard” into an Olympic-level spectator sport of hand-wringing and finger-pointing. Maybe it’s time to admit that the UN is less a “global problem-solver” and more a glorified debate club with better real estate. We’d suggest a rebrand—how about “United Nations: Where Hope Goes to Die (But the Wi-Fi’s Great)”?
Anyway, keep up the good work—or, well, the work. We’ll be over here saving the world while you draft Resolution 8732 condemning the use of mean words on X.
Yours in eternal exasperation,
The American People
P.S. Send us the bill for your next pointless summit.