Now that the State Central Committee, while being offered the opportunity to make a statement, and stand in defiance, to the outrages of a Governor gone wild, has caused us to miss yet another chance, to be all that we can be. On Saturday, rather than plan for an in-person , traditional event, the SCC knuckled under, to the forces that would have us continue, the same old status quo. Some of the arguments offered that allowed chairman jack, to “High-jack” our convention were;
1. “It might cost too much”, to lawfully resist the overreach of a Governor that wields boundless authority, by virtue of his brazenness, and our timidness. I submit to you, yes, there is a chance we might have to sacrifice, but what is the cost, to our State, not to resist? The cost can be seen as our cities burn, our Police come under attack, our schools and churches shuttered, our very culture torn asunder. Better to assert that we can have a political gathering, and let the Governor have to break the law, and try and shut us down, taking the credit and exposure of doing so.
2. “ We don’t want to break the law “ that forbids us to assemble. There was a time when our forefathers skeptically viewed a compact, that did not guarantee, the ability to freely speak and assemble. The Bill of Rights in our Constitution is the law of this land, and it protects our ability to speak, think, and associate with whom we choose. We should have followed the lead of the 7th District, which has chosen to hold an in-person event, with a backup plan B, for an unassembled event, should something go awry. It should be noted, that the 7th expects to have almost twice the number of Delegates, that registered for the state convention.
Once again, we have missed the opportunity to display leadership, by not taking the initiative, while allowing others, to define our future and our actions. Having not won a statewide contest in more than ten years, and the absolute trouncing we experienced last fall, are symptoms of the greater malady that we suffer from. To continue to do what we have always done, will ensure that we continue to be, what we have become. It is time for new Leadership, and the courage, to fight for what we believe in. It is time for a change!