Government buildings, retail stores of all types, and entire towns are under siege. Heavy destruction throughout France is evident.
Dr. Robert Warren
The remainder of June is going to be very interesting as more and more of the LGBTQ agenda is aggressively forced upon the American citizenry.
The question that stumps politicians and Supreme Court Justices.
Major corporations are going to have to choose between their angry and frustrated existing customer base and an untested and increasingly disliked LGBTQ global socialist ideology.
attacking your own employees under the circumstances is not a good business practice
“Died Suddenly” is now on everyone’s lips and invariably connected to “death by vaxx”.
Medicine has done a great deal to improve the lives and health of the American citizenry and much of the world as well. Thus, before I start on the unintended consequences, I want to acknowledge that medicine has improved the lives of billions of people…