Muslims don’t trust a political party that rejects God, and that’s exactly what the left has done. Muslims are done with the Democrats.
Guest Contributor Mena Yousef
NBC personalities realized that the general public might actually see that they aren’t in fact the arbiters of truth, and start to question their January 6 narrative
Before conservatives start pointing to the Democrats at how much their own house is in disorder when it comes to domestic Israeli politics, conservatives need to look into our own tent as well.
Marx and Lenin would be proud America – but not of Cuba.
Sabio understands the gravity of the situation that the GOP has left Northern Virginia in. He has a detailed plan for how get Fairfax County back on the map.
TikTok bill is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what companies could be shut down in the future.
It’s a Weekend at Bernie’s campaign strategy mixed in with a little arrogance and a dash of distrust of the American people. Stalin would be proud.