“…the West slides into extinction, unwilling and finally incapable of maintaining the core duties of civilization. The ghosts of ancient Rome snicker at us from the mist of centuries gone by.”
Michael Giere
“..a kid was walking down the road who, unlike the busybody, was minding his own business.”
Life is cheap, except for the owner who loses it.
“That type of thinking, among other things, sealed my cynicism and tampered down my interest in the Night. But it didn’t extinguish it. I didn’t know it couldn’t.”
History has shown that fiat money’s only real value is camouflaging disastrous political and financial policies and massive graft.
And our culture – without question – is so much poorer without the robust intellectual heritage of the former.
For all his wealth and power, he is still strikingly a guy from Queens. He speaks in American.
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