We must ALL WORK to STOP the “Regressives” from having FULL control of the Governor’s mansion and General Assembly like Democrats did from 2020 to 2022, or Virginia will join the ranks of failing Blue States like Maryland, Illinois, New York and California.
Guest Contributor Ken Reid
Those accusations against Helmer were released days before the June 18, 2024 Democrat primary for the 10th District congressional seat.
Fact is Obamacare is here to stay as an entitlement because Republicans have failed to offer an alternative that can pass with bipartisan support.
Many are convinced that all these schemes were orchestrated by the Cabal of Pelosi, Schumer, the Obamas, the Clintons, and their strategists.
American Jews must wake up to the fact the far Left is our enemy, not our friends.
Another Obama bullshitter and someone who will tilt the nation toward more socialism, higher taxes, more regulation and high prices in housing, insurance and everyday expenses.
it’s the one area Republicans are lacking in campaigns; appealing to emotion.