So the left-wing outrage machine still has its hair on fire because a Catholic NFL player gave a commencement address at a conservative Catholic college that espoused Catholic doctrine.
Yet they’re not saying very much about Joe Biden’s patronizing, race-baiting, sob story speech at Morehouse College on Sunday where he painted an ugly picture of a racist America for the grads and assured them that they are not loved in this country. And he threw in a couple of dead family members for good measure.
It was right out of the divisive Biden playbook.
He’s hoping African American voters won’t notice that his campaign cancelled the first presidential debate ever scheduled to take place at an historically black college: Virginia State University in Petersburg.
Once the Dems realized how bad that looked, they threw VSU a bone: The vice presidential debate.
It’s not the same. Sorry.
Beyond that, someone should remind Biden’s speech writers that the purpose of a commencement address is to congratulate the graduates and send them off with an inspirational message.
Harrison Butker did that at Benedictine College.
Biden didn’t.

Instead, the president made the speech about himself and his dark view of the country.
Naturally, Biden attempted to paint a flattering picture of himself, with his embellished life story. Tailored to a black audience, he bragged that he left a “fancy law firm” at the age of 29 to run for the Senate because he was supposedly inspired by Martin Luther King.
It wouldn’t be a Biden speech if he didn’t trot out his dead family members and he did that next, of course. This was a festival of death. He didn’t stop with the story of his good son, Beau, who did not die in Iraq as he is fond of saying to Gold Star families, but who died in a hospital from a malignant brain tumor. Biden also invoked the deaths of his first wife and infant daughter.
Oh and he managed to work George Floyd into the speech along with some ripe race-baiting:
“What is democracy if black men are being killed in the streets? What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shake? And most of all, what does it be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back?”
Then he pivoted back to more sob stories about Beau, his son’s Rosary and last words.
We know, Joe. Enough already.
Yes, Biden’s had sadness in his life. So have most people. Dragging out these stories – which change depending on the audience – to generate sympathy is tedious. His use of these tragedies has turned into a cheap gimmick.
Someone tell him to stop. Please.
Then again, he’s an old man who repeats himself. We all have eldery family members who do that. Eyes glaze over when they launch a story for the hundredth time.
America’s eyes glaze over whenever Biden opens his mouth.
I watched part of the president’s speech and read the rest. It was wretched. Patronizing, depressing and heavy on stereotypes. It was out-of-date too. He’s living in the 1950s. Worse, this man with a strong racist streak in his past constantly tried to remake himself into some kind of civli rights leader.
He wasn’t. Strom Thurmond was his mentor. Robert Byrd was his buddy. He fought school busing.
Now that Biden’s hemorrhaging support from all the traditionally Democratic sectors he’s desperately trying to keep the most reliable party members – African Americans – on board.
It won’t be easy.
Most American families – of all races – are struggling in Biden’s inflationary economy.
It’s going to get worse in about 10 weeks when the Chinese tariffs result in higher consumer prices on almost everything.
Not to worry, Biden will just drag out poor old Beau again, hoping sympathy votes will get him across the finish line in November.
Post from the excellent blog