The above statement says it all.
Since he was first elected in 2018, Ben Cline has been there representing us and Valley Values, not the lobbyists on K Street. Ben has taken on the Deep State by passing legislation that would require the Deep State to be responsible to Congress. Ben has done everything we have asked and more.
Ben has our back, and he needs to know we have his. There are simple things that can be done. One of them is subscribe to Ben’s YouTube channel – Congressman Ben Cline. Share his posts on social media. Write an Op-Ed/Letter to the Editor. We need you to be involved.
Ben is out and about like no other Congressman in Virginia. He will be running for re-election, and I’m proud and honored to both support and endorse Ben Cline for re-election in 2024. Hope that each of you will do the same.
Thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Chair. Together we will take back Virginia,
I remain
your servant
S John Massoud
6th District Republican Party Chairman
Meanwhile, here’s a bit of good news.
James Russell Davis of King George and long time President of the now-defunct King George Tea Party was sentenced to two months in federal prison and two years probation for his role in the Jan 6 coup attempt in which he attacked federal police officers. In sentencing Davis, the judge took note of the fact that Davis frequently and regularly lied about his non-existent “Marine Corps combat service” and his military record of being a general horse’s ass.
Good to see Ben (very nice man!) endorse Trump.
I haven’t seen where Va State Senators Republicans Travis Hackworth and Bill DeSteph (builders also) have announced their endorsements for the last American President.
I find that very interesting;
where is Governor Younkin’s endorsement for the last American President?
By their unity in creating Romneyesque legislation and now Youngkin law for the employment of illegal aliens Virginian’s could logically conclude that there are many Virginia Republicans that are not Virginia First or even America First.
These three combined with Democrats to create an employment market for illegal aliens right here in the Commonwealth.
It is said that Youngkin’s approval rating is about 73% in SWVA. I would call it an approval rating as much as a disgusted with Biden rating and will vote for anyone rating.
What will the American Presidential Candidate (Trump) do?
Win Va while distancing himself from these sweater vested sanctuary legislators and executives.
Now that we know DeSteph taxied (patron) SB121 to our General Assembly maybe we need the Marine in our Lt Governor to fight the fight.
Folk’s January is Human Trafficking month we all see our AG promoting this but within that asking us to call be on the lookout.
Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking and Fentanyl importation will have the same organization of bad actors, so I ask;
Why didn’t Hackworth & DeSteph place in this bill a requirement for Va Licensed Contractors to obtain a Va Employment Commission Tax number from these “independent contractors” that they are hiring. You know through the previous Employee Misclassification Task Force these “independent contractors” are crews of illegal aliens.
When a politician like Miyares ask for public help the other side of the political spectrum will deem those helping as racist but if a politician lawman uses the law he would have a lawful outcome.
Safe to say Virginia will never implement
E-Verify and if we did it would not have a 1099 requirement.
Logic here;
How can Governor Youngkin ever have valid employment numbers when he signed a bill into law that takes jobs out of our employment system.
Yes before this law (SB121) a licensed subcontractor in Virginia had to obtain a VEC account for there quarterly Form VA 5 filings still required under law.
Governor Youngkin should request that this year’s General Assembly (via Hackworth & DeSteph) bring a bill the requires his “independent contractors” get a VEC account number (via their Biden issued phone) to be submitted to their licensed general contractor along with their certificate of liability and workers comp insurance prior to commencement of construction. This will help to eliminate Insurance Fraud, tax fraud and human trafficking to Virginia construction sites and provide VALID employment numbers and protect state construction contracts from illegal employment.
C’mon Glenn don’t be the one carrying the Tiki Torch of Labor Exploitation
Virginia Taxpayer