In addition to General Dwight Eisenhower, Colin Powell remains one of America’s great “political” generals. Though not a tactical genius like Colin Powell knew how to navigate the political labyrinths of not only the D.C. beltway, e.g., “the swamp” but also the complex foreign political landscape as Secretary of State. I had the pleasure of serving in the military under his tenure and learned much from him about leadership and human nature. He often referred to his 13 rules on how to lead ranging from “It ain’t as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning.” to “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”
Republican’s having just gone through a disappointing midterm election and run-off in the state of Georgia, I believe one of his maxims is most appropriate to wit “Get mad and then get over it.” Let’s face it in both the 2020 Presidential election and midterms we were simply outplayed pure and simple. Yes, there was “voter fraud” as there is in any election and election rules were changed at the state level to favor the Democrat Party.
So, as we face 2024 what is next – wallow in our own self-pity and loathing or as a seasoned naval aviator friend of mind recommends “The sooner you punch the bully in the nose, the sooner he learns to leave you alone.” By “punching the bully in the nose,” we need to beat the Democrats at their own game – get out the vote early, register any and all voters that will stand with the Republican Party, and harvest ballots where it is legal. Use changes to voter laws that the Democrat Party mandated under the auspices of COVD to our advantage and not theirs! Once we retake state houses and legislatures, we can then mandate proper voter identification and eliminate such foolishness as same day registration and voting.
So, continue to whine and complain or do something about starting today? Though Republican Party leadership may instead call for a period of “introspection” and “self-examination” keeping in mind these are the same “leaders” that got us into this mess to begin with, I say it is time for action and action is we need to fundamentally change the way we as Republicans register voters and vote. I suspect the constant stream of “migrants” crossing the southern border does not bode well for our cause.
So, am I advocating that we become philosophically more like the Democrats? NO ! Democrats have gone so far off the rails that there is an inherent danger that if we advocate that Republicans act like them, then we end up with more Democrats, just with an “R” after their name. It can be risky to take on your opponent’s tactics without taking on his or her principles, especially considering how far left the Republican Party has drifted over the past twenty years. Conservatives now need a party of real leaders willing to take risks who pioneer new and effective (and morally principled) tactics.
So as Colin Powell so appropriately stated it is time to “Get mad and then get over it.” Unless we fundamentally change the way, we have dealt with voting and adversity in the past we will forever be doomed to failure in the future – the Republican Party will simply become a relic of the “good old days” of a bygone past.