As I watch parent after parent step up and oppose the radically racist and immoral propaganda that passes as an education in Loudoun County, I am reminded of the tyranny of the communist China.
Where your money is legally stolen and then used in government schools to indoctrinate children against their parents.
And it is not a matter of who sits on the school board that determines what your tax money funds, but rather the problem is that power exists.
Which is why we will work endlessly to pass School Choice and destroy the very power the Loudoun County School Board wields.
Government has no money; it only has that which they have taken by threat of force from the citizens.
Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd President, Governor of Virginia, and Author of the Declaration of Independence said this-
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”
Week after week, we have had parents and taxpayers come forth and demand that you stop indoctrinating our children. All of which is being done by taking their tax dollars.
This is the exact tyranny Jefferson wrote about and must stop. Liberty is always the answer. The liberty to choose what school your child attends and what school your money funds.
Stealing money from the pockets of every taxpayer in Loudoun County and then using that money for forced indoctrination of their children is theft and tyrannical immorality.
Critical Race Theory is only the latest fad to indoctrinate our youth. It is truly racist, as it is the worst form of collectivism to group people together by physical characteristics one cannot control, rather than, as Dr. King said, to judge people by the content of their character. You have to remember Common Core, Race to the Top, No Child left Untouched, I mean Behind, and a host of big government programs fostered by both Republicans and Democrats.
Theft of tax dollars, corruption, radicalization, immorality, and tyranny in our schools is simply because liberty has been shackled and government has replaced it. Government is the natural enemy of freedom and promotes mediocracy and degeneracy. Which is why the only answer is liberty and School Choice.
Politicians, the talking heads and the media will all focus on the fight over the power, all to gain votes and viewership. But this is actually detrimental to our schools, our children and our liberty.
It morally should be the stance of any Republican Candidate in 2021, for to argue otherwise is just to confirm they want to continue to use the government school system, for it is certainly not a public one, to indoctrinate children with their ideas.
It is really this simple- it is your children, it is your money and thus it can only morally be your choice.
The Virginia Constitutional Conservatives have teamed with the Virginia for Educational Freedom PAC to champion School Choice, and I invite you to join us at