Rand Paul proved what a hero he is to small government conservatives like myself last night. He led a mini-filibuster on the Senate floor, talking about the hypocrisy of the establishment Republicans who were trashing Barack Obama (and rightly so) for trillion dollar annual deficits, yet going along with a spending bill which would potentially add another half trillion dollars in deficits over the next 2 years.
First off, let it be said for the record that there are a lot of good things in this spending bill. First and foremost, it gets rid of IPAB Independent Payment Advisory Board), the so called “death panel” of Obama Care. IPAB was the board which would determine literally who would get health care spending and who would not. Meaning that if you donated to the right causes, you and your family would be more likely to receive necessary health care, than someone like myself who does not donate to liberal causes. And just as important, we are starting to rebuild our military after 8 disastrous years of Barack Obama requiring the military to do more with less. Further spending cuts are made to Obama Care. These are good things.
I can understand the need and desire to be “bipartisan”. But there is a problem with bipartisanship here. Our country can stand up against a lot of things. But no country can survive unsustainable debt for extended periods. And while we rightly blame Barack Obama for raising our national debt by 10 trillion, the fact remains that establishment Republicans were complicit in the debt increase. But the big spending Republicans would always say – well Obama made us, or the Democrats made us. But now we control the White House, and both houses of the Legislative branch. We should be able to pass spending bills which either reduce spending or at least hold overall spending to current levels indexed for inflation.
What good is bipartisanship when you give one side the keys to a vehicle which will take us over a cliff into bankruptcy? The modern day Democratic party lives off the teachings of Saul Alinsky, one of which is to spend us into poverty so that the leftists can seize power and destroy our Republic and turn us into a dictatorship. Sorry, but to be kind to such actions is not being bi-partisan. It’s called committing suicide.
Most politicians grand stand way too much. At times so does Rand Paul. However here Rand is 100% correct. He gave a speech last night which interrupted the Senate vote on the spending bill to say these words:
“I ran for office because I was very critical of President Obama’s trillion dollar deficits. Now we have Republicans hand in hand with Democrats offering us trillion dollar deficits. I can’t in all honesty look the other way”.
So #IStandWithRand